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New server with Rag and AB Dino's spawns

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So we've got a new server started, it's got safe zones, shop, rag and ab Dino spawns, modded drops. Some Dino loot modded. Better weight, health etc.

Most of the players are at work during the day and then around in the evening or weekend that will help out.

No admin abuse.

If you can get to a safe zone you'll find things that can help you get started. 

Eg. At the shop there's gatchas dropping crystals, there's free tools to be able to use. Perfect for getting started. Public teleporters about the world.

Search "A brand new 50x extinction,  AB/Rag Dinos,  Modded drops, tweaks, safe zone and more"


We look forward to seeing you on the server.

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