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velona nerf?


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not sure if it was in the last patch, but unridden velos do 20 damage maximum with their ranged attack. Sometimes 10 - 13, but I'm not sure what decides the difference. Melee damage does nothing for their *unridden* ranged damage. It does effect the damage ranged attack does while you ride them, but Tamed and non-ridden velos do flat damage for both the head whip and the spines.

So I guess if you are using them as turrets they get all health. Unless you care about their claw attack...

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I tested in single player before console update and after. Wyvern damage reduced from 16 to 12 plus wyvern now fly away and the fight last about 3 times longer. Used a corrupted 450 wyvern.

Velos against Island dragon is now bust due to other flyers surviving and the extremely low frames causing the game to crash.

So who ever suggested the changes for WC to implement made Velos obsolete for dragon fights.

Plant X and double up the Velonasaurs defense on Extinction. Sleeping bags are priorities bofore player targets for wyverns.





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