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Titan Corruption Mechanics


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So I tamed my first titan solo today in single player and I tried a couple of different methods.  When you actually damage the spots of corruption it will show up in the floating damage reader as 1 hp of damage.  Trying to hit the corruption spots with melee attacks from any dino I used would not do damage to the corruption, but instead did tons of damage to the titans actual health.  So I tried using my Mek and its tek pistol to try to hit the nodes, this would work occasionally, but the gun is so innacurate that I don't recommend that.  Then I moved to using an array of weapons ranging from fabricated sniper rifles to railguns and the best weapon to hit at a distance seems to be the fabricated sniper rifle.

So this is what I'm curious about, since the actual hits to the corruption nodes seem to do only 1 damage regardless of which weapon is used, do the actual weapons or damage they do affect how quickly the node busts?  Because based on the ammo I used, I would imagine a blast from the shotgun on a node would bust it in 1 or 2 shots (note that I was never able to get close enough to get a well aimed shotgun blast off on a node).

Anybody have any insight on the actual damage mechanics of the corruption nodes?

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23 minutes ago, RipRavage said:

It is weird though, because it only shows up as 1 damage.

The reason behind the showing up as 1 damage is because the amount of dealt to the titan while knocking out the nodes will yields its tier at end results, if you used explosives for example, you deal 1 damage to the titan, but the explosive damage was also dealt to the titan (eg. 500), what if the difference between beta and alpha was the fact that you'd end up in beta if you deal 5000 damage, then 10 explosive would push your titan tame into beta, but if it was all done perfectly you'd have only dealt 10 damage total.


Long story short, it's registered as 1 damage to not affect the end tame (in reality it should've been a completely separate entity from the titan so that the titan takes no damage at all) 

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On 3 January 2019 at 11:04 PM, Galiant said:

but is with that in mind a proper listing for the amount of health each node has. (if im hitting it with a rifle that should do 500 damage, tho it registers as a 1) does the node take 500 damage or just 1? to put a count on how much progress or lack of I am making through a tame....


Read what I wrote above, I answered your question through that already lmao, yes the 500 damage is dealt to the node but only 1 damage to the Titan.

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