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Enforcer building


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I was over at my friends place we got an aprentice enforcer bluprint we got three ascendant ones and a mastercraft and ramshackle one. We could only make the ramshackle because the terminal did not have enough space. Wild card plz why do this we can’t  play a game if we can’t get good things like high level enforcers.  If anyone else got something to say plz go ahead

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Oh ok and yeah on my friends testing world we killed all enforcers three were 150 max levels we used creative mode to make them in replicater. I found out on a video but yeah we had one with 200% health 125% stam 150% melee and 160 weight it’s health was about 5k really that’s weak for our worlds settings after leveling for an hour it died to a small pack corrupt carnos

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