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configuration Server settings for unofficial servers running Extinction


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I decided to share my configs for unofficial servers running Extinction

1. Lag-free resource harvest multipliers- Game.ini

Using individual multipliers for each resource removes completely harvest lag, even with very high harvest multipliers. Using these settings changes how the harvested amount is calculated, reducing the number of necessary operations.

Here you can find a complete list of all resources, including resources from all DLCs:


2. S+ Resource list additions

If you are using s+ on your server, adding this code in [StructuresPlus] section in GameUserSettings.ini file will allow you to find the Extinction resources on the resource pulling list and store them in the Dedicated storage system:


3. DLC and Tekgrams unlocking

If your server is not clustered with other maps, the only way to obtain the engrams from other DLCs and Tekgrams is to use some engram override. I tried to use OverrideNamedEngramEntries, unfortunately I wasn't able to make it working and switched to Auto unlock. The value in LevelToAutoUnlock= indicates the level at which the engram will be unlocked automatically- without consuming any engram points. You can change it to create custom progression on your server.


This code has to be added at the end of your Game.ini file.




(If you find this post useful, reply to it, so others can find it easier)

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