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Setting for Titans to live forever in single or private session?


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In newest patch for PC they say "Titans will no longer eat food in single player" something like that and that really worried me because we all would like to have perm tamed Titans.... Right?

SO I hoping they will be adding new setting in the game to change that so we can have like having more than one tamed Titan in the map and another having Titans able to eat so they can live FOREVER 

WILDCARD if reading please add these setting I have talk about for the people that like to play on there own map and this will impress some of many people of singleplayers 

be way I'm Xbox player and I looking forward playing extinction :)

please spread the word if you care about perm tamed Titans for singleplayers and private session 

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I was asking for the same, I play on PC but I mostly play ark cause I like to build cool looking with the enviroment bases, not much into raids or that kind of stuff, I'm looking foward on making a desert titan base, but I want it to be something I could keep. i POSTED something similar but there's still no answer


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