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Lack of Aberration Dino’s in extinction


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I’m not sure if this is a bug or not there are no aberration Dino’s in Extinction crater forest zone, besides the corrupted reaper and rock drakes in the wasteland why are there no aberration Dino’s in extinction and yet there’s scorched earth Dino’s in extinction such as the morelletops,golems,and mantis in the desert dome.

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Lore is probably part of it.    The various aberration creatures revolved around either being related to charge light (aberrants with glow, the actual glow pets), and being corrupt-element creations (nameless, reapers).     Having that on "earth" doesn't make much sense especially the light charge ones.    The reapers/rock drakes that are more element based can kinda make sense since the corruption on earth is also element based.

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