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Should I tame a megalosaurus or a spino?


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If u are new on Abbe, i prefer spinos. They have the buff with water, and they are more fast than a megalosaurus. Long time ago, when Abbe was the new DLC, i get Megas and i went to red zone to get my first Drake egg, and all time purlovias dismount me. I get the egg, but take me more time. But when i do with spinos (140+ tamed) was LOT more easy and fast.

If u ask me, i prefer spinos. Good luck.

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Invest in taming both, but if your starting out go for spinos to begin with. Spinos are easier to get to and tame earlier on while Megas are a bit harder to get to in blue zone. While megas are absolute powerhouses the only problem with them is that they tend to aggro more dinos (purlovia for example) so I usually ride on a spino. I use spinos for general use and take a pack of megas along if I need some muscle such as taking out an alpha or going for drake eggs. 

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Spino, they can do everything you need when starting out. They are good for radiation runs, getting your first drake eggs, and can tustle with reaper queens. Mega's do more damage, but are not good for any of the above. They get shot by arthro's in the rad zone, you can get ripped off by crabs and raptors, reaper queens smack you all over the place with their tail and drakes can glitch you into the ground. Go with spino my G.

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