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Titans and bases.


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My tribe has a base in the redwoods, on the North side right near the river.

In the past few days we've had no less than 2 Titans roll through. We were there to kill the first (which was most likely kited there by an immature child, but that's another story) but the second came through early this morning and we lost some tames and what have you.

Granted it could have been worse but it still was a very unpleasant thing.

So we're thinking about reworking our base there and I thought to come to the community and ask for input, if there is any besides, "RUN!!!"

Any ideas on:

1. How to make a base less likely to be walked through by a Titan. (Apart from changing locations, which I don't think we'll do.)

2. How to keep Titans away? (Surely we have a Titan Repellent engram. What? No! Well they need to add it!)

3. How best to marinate a side of Titan ribs.


- Rakkasan 

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1. Maybe set up turret towers around the base. If you have enough you might be able to kill it. Also upgrade your base to metal if it’s currently stone. Titans take longer to destroy metal

2. Titans are neutral. They will only attack if attacked first. If 1 naturally occurred near ur base just ignore it. If it’s kited there is really nothing you can do to keep it from destroying your base other than killing it. If a natural 1 is worrying you kite it away into the ocean. If you ever find out who kited the titans to ur base u might also want to kite it to their base. I see nothing wrong with wiping these kinds of people as they do nothing but ruin the game for others

3. Idk

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Get your freshly harvested and cleaned ribs get some garlic mixed Italian herbs paprika powder and salt

Get the salt and rub it into the meat until lightly covered then sprinkle some paprika powder on it aswell as herbs and garlic then put it in a plastic bag or box and let them absorb the flavours then cook them how you like and enjoy 


to repel a titan all you have to do is call it’s mum gey although it might get angry with you


also you can’t be wiped if you don’t have a base



hope this helped

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