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Ark ofline raiding to easy? (Fix)


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So from past experience over the last week 4 of my bases on small tribes were oflined, draining over 200,000 ammo in a matter of hours. I think there should be a fix or a nerf to allow people to struggle or spend more time oflining. In my opinion there should be a increase of dmg on turrets that increases over time that the tribe or player has been offline. So the player has been off for 30 mins the turrets deal 1.5 x dmg and after 1 hour 15 mins 2x dmg and 2 hours 2.5x dmg. this would prevent people from logging off for protecting as the turrets will not instantly double up in dmg. This will then cause the raiders to spend more time raiding and spending more resources rather then raiding while they are online. As at the moment a trike takes 5dmg with a good saddle and can drain 2-4k ammo every min. Post opinions below on what you think on this matter.


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