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Use of a bred Yuty


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After doing Alpha Brood and Monkey quite a few times, i came to the conclusion that breeding a Yuty is really not that useful for bosses. 

Is there a reason why i would breed some, people been telling me stamina, but i barely lose any screaming on cooldown.

When it comes to hp, i can literally face tank the mini spiders for quite a bit, just need to not take too many hits from Alpha Brood, and its a breeze.

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On Scorched Earth when i encountered a yuti for the first time i tamed a lvl 15 which 1 roar took its stam down completely. Later on The Island i found a 140 which i tamed with my tribe mates and one roar does not even a smidge of stamina. Breeding them can be useful because of the alpha bosses where the imprinting bonus is needed when i did the dragon for the first time all rexes died and all that was left were 2 moose and the yuti (which i was riding) we used moose because we can shoot off of them and the yuti for buff, the yuti really came in handy because the dragon had a small amount of hp left when the last rex died so everyone shot it to death with shotguns. while these rexes were way less powerful than our normal rex army and we put them in the arena to kill them essentially because we didnt need anymore but the boost really paid off. At the end of the day you can use if you want or not it is up to you but a yuti can really make a huge difference when in really bad situations when in the boss arena.

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A tamed Yuty is more likely to fall asleep when facing Manticore as hatch/tame level determines torpidity and, at least in the Rag fight, Manticore harasses the Yuty.
I've used tame Yuty's on the island bosses as well since there is little movement but like anything else, bred is just better.
@invincibleqc I expect video of a level 5 tamed Yuty lasting in Alpha Brood tomorrow. Though if you got 1200 melee Theri's again, fight could end faster than the Spiders hit the Yuty.

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10 hours ago, MyCatIsTeemo said:

After doing Alpha Brood and Monkey quite a few times, i came to the conclusion that breeding a Yuty is really not that useful for bosses. 

Is there a reason why i would breed some, people been telling me stamina, but i barely lose any screaming on cooldown.

When it comes to hp, i can literally face tank the mini spiders for quite a bit, just need to not take too many hits from Alpha Brood, and its a breeze.

if you mean breeding them in a general sense then imprinting speed bonus is nice to have to reposition and avoid dangers. It is not needed but some people prefer to have the extra speed.

If you mean breeding stats and mutations to make a super yuti, the main benefit is to raise the base hatch lvl causing the dino to have a higher base Torpor. When you face Manticore, you will appreciate having a higher Torpor because a regular, low lvl yuti will get knocked out very quickly.

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