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Disaster in the Central Cave


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Tried the central cave.

Decimated by the spiders and titanaboas.

Died twice. Lost some good stuff.

I want revenge!

I'm level 60, Single Player. Have 37 tames. Couple of Sabers. Couple of Dire Bears. 5 raptors. Several dilophosaurs in the high 60s to low 70s. Low level Scorpion.

Pump action. Long neck rifle. Primitive shotgun. Chitin armor and 2 main pieces of flak.

Made some bug repellent and stimulants for next time.

But man oh man! I'm up for any advice at all.



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4 minutes ago, Graf1cs said:

Good saber and decent saddle, I use baryonyx, but you already have sabers, just find or buy a good saddle and you'll b fine


I have a level 34 Sabertooth with a journeyman saddle, 66.03 armor. Is that good? Should I take my level 20 (no saddle but I can buy another journeyman) with me?

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levels are pretty low, are you on single player? The saddle is good, you can bring a male and female so they are mate boosted, put the one your not riding on attack target before you go in, you should have a saddle on it as well. I'm not sure the levels of the sabers are good enough, but wont know till you try, you can always turn around and leave if you saber is not doing well. Mate boost will definitely make it easier.

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I honestly breed very high level direwolf in single player you don't need that high for the central cave, if you wanna breed your direwolves do it, imprinting for me is vital you can't beat the extra 30% damage and 30% damage resistance.

Beside I would suggest going to the ice cave get 2 implants from high level direwolves over there a male and a female, anything above level 110 is really gd, aim for one having high hp and the other one not, in most cases the second one will have high melee, and then start the breeding and imprint, it's always good to have a high level Dino, you'll need it for swamp cave and ice cave later on when you progress more in the game.

It's a little challenging but it worth it at the end of the day. I wanted to post a video about the whole process from a long time now, but talking about an exploit is something and actually publishing it is whole different story, beside I don't encourage exploits in the game but since almost everyone is doing it in singleplayer now so you better take advantage of it as well.

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