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Building a really big ramp in Aberration, anyone have any tips or tricks?


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Climbing picks to build pillar to top of cliff, count out how many pillars it takes.

Next make fence foundations.

Lay the same amount of fence foundations in a straight line.

Build walls,  place them at 0 ,1 , 2 high etc until u can no longer reach higher and extend to cliff.

Climb wall and countinue building it.

Add slope wall then slope ceilings

Would that not work?

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Easy! Start from the top point. Throw a foundation on the very edge, throw a ceiling on it overhanging and start thtowijg pillars down to the ground (climb down pillars or use a ladder attached to ceiling) 

Once at bottom, snap single pillars all along in a line (only 1 high - MUST be snapped, 1 space between)  Climb back up, then walk down the ceiling placing ramps. Dont need all that extra waste of pillars, make sure the pillars are atleast stone so your whole ramp isnt destroyed by accident :P 

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