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No Roo’s???


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So if you read my last post which not a lot  of people probably because I’m not Danny bregoli on tmz (I’m sorry for the putrid terrible criiiiingy joke not even a joke) ckhmmhmhmmm, AAAAUNYWAYS, I just found at procoptodon (a large Kangaroo) I named him lucky because he was being attack but I saved him and he only have 160 health I’m pretty sure when I tame him now he has way better stats... but that’s not the point. Myyy poooint issssss that whenever I’m on my bird trying to find a female roo proc whatever you want to calll iiiiTa I crash then I fall from the sky and loose most of my health and probably get devoured by dinosaurs ?  ? so I was wondering mabey you could fix the crashing or spawn a bunch of procoptodons or mebeyey bulth ????Please and thank you ?? 

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