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Ark Atlas - Pirate-mod or new map or what?


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I loved Ark (well over 1000 hours) on many levels but will never buy anything made by Wildcard again. I was there at the beginning of the steam early access, I was there on the first days on it on PS4. i'll never deal with them due to Wildcards Business practices and the way they treat their playerbase. Anyone who has been here since early on understands all the promises, mechanics and bug fixes that just never happened. Tho its not a big deal a prime example is the water reflections bug when your flying. They have been swearing to fix that bug since 2015. If you trust them to buy another game from them great. No more cool-aid for me. 

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Buenas por lo que se creo que es un mapa que no es oficial por lo que para que lo incluyan "oficialmente" supongo que tendría que tener bastante respaldo y viendo que van a meter el mapa de las Islas de cristal no lo esperaría a corto plazo.

Un saludo 


Good for what you think is a map that is not official so to include it "officially" I guess you should have enough support and seeing that they will put the map of the Crystal Islands would not wait for short term .

A greeting

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