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Berries gathering early gameplay


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Starting in ARK from nothing is hard. Tame what you got saddles for, struggle and survive. I don't think it's that hard so I uploaded my SP character and created a new. Just to provide proof how easy it can be.

Knowing the Bronto garhers berries for all taming needs I started with a Bronto. Only to find that even when attacking no berries are harvested (no saddle). Got this idea of a Daeodon on wander harvest berries but no berries harvested at all,  animation is there and bushes are consumed/destroyed but nothing in Daeodon inventory.. Now remembering a crop plot event that was canceled a bit back in time. I think,  I did not understand the point until now. New survivors must get a Dung Beetle and tame Dodo Dilo and poop pickup early gameplay to even get things going with crop plots and green house effect.

So my question how do I get berries early game when I need them fast and easy without saddles?

And what with the omnivor yes a Dire wolf attacked the Daeodon and the white healing glow never stopped only after a SP relog did I get it to stop loosing food.

Hard? Yes very!




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Trike/iguananadon/parasaur are all low level berry farmers, easy to tame, I've never tried farming berries with them on wander tho.


unless your rushing for a higher tame any low trike on the beach is an easy tame, saddles aren't that far off to make by the time you have built up a basic shack with some equipment to start making narcos.

plus trikes are a good defence Dino when starting out.


if you need mass berries without the saddle... I'd just harvest by hand and store them in a pig/parasaur to up their spoil timer

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Yes I guess Trike is easy as long as a new player know to use the tranq arrows only for body hits. Still I remember it being much easier when I started with ARK in SP. At that time my biggest problem was to get hide and now we get lots of that hide.

Edit: what I do when starting on official is starve taming but that is hard and takes time to learn.



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Equus, if you're on Ragnarok. Easiest tame to get there as you can find carrots in the highlands, no saddle needed and they're even good to knock out smaller dinos. They have good weight, decent stamina, can be quite fast if you level speed and aren't too bad at getting berries. Once you can make a saddle, you can even make anything you can make in a smithy (oops lol) mortar (like narcotics) on the go.

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A few little monkeys on wander can fetch a decent amount, just empty them often. On the island I like to get 2 or 3 and boat them to herb island, loads of plants there and no hostiles (on a new/fresh map of course).

Other than that, parasaur, iguanadon, turtle do ok. Stego does a nice job, all need saddles though.

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You can do a Moshcops i you have lucky rolls with the items it wants....  You ride without saddle or set to wander to gather.

But honestly just get a trike or an iguanodon. make the saddle. You can mind wipe later in the game. Personally, I like the iguanodon for early game. Runs with unlimited stam on 4 legs, decent weight, and can use bolas to tame.


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Mesopithicus and horses are my go-to very first tames for berries. I try to find a somewhat peaceful spawn zone, clear threats, and set the monkeys to wander. The only issue is that you have to consistantly empty their inventory, and its pretty frequent with low levels. Iguanadons do a great job, just a bit more work to get going. On pvp you can't afford to have large mounts early because they will just get killed, and the little monkeys often go unnoticed unless you put a helmet on them so you can often "get away with murder" so to speak because no one checks them.

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