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pve 6 map cluster... Makes ark a challenge but not a full time job. Taming event!!!!


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6 map cluster with every map and lots of people on all the time.

Just added a second Ragnarok server to meet demand! Join a growing and established cluster with a rare opportunity to also start on a fresh map. Joining instructions with picture on the website www.StargateArk.com


Taming event this weekend to get you started! 


Dino Domestication Event 9-7-2018.jpg

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Hey I am interested. I have been admin on a cluster and I just want to play ark as a free person lol. My GT is: AlbertaneWinter and I am a day one ark xbox player, played official until October 2017, so I know the ropes! I also have a friend that is my ark buddy his GT is TheScatterBrain that may or may not wish to play with me . If you have any questions for me my e-mail is okspider@hotmail.com :)


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