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Eggs hatching, Parents level


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Hello guys, I play single player so as you know the game stops when you close the application, along with breeding timer and mating. 

I have did so many research about the hatching and what contribute directly to the baby level and every time I read something it confuses me even more because the results I'm getting when doing my own hatching is completely different.

I want to know what contribute to the baby Dino level? Is it the pretame stats of the parents? Is it the current level and stats of the parents? Keep in mind I'm talking about eggs hatching only.

I have 2 spinos both level 51 and 48, I hatched 4 eggs already, the highest level baby Dino I've got was 12.

Is it a bug? Is this real? Is it just random and luck?  What are the contributers to this? Because it's really taking too much time specially in single player , you have to actually play the game for 4 hours to wait for each mating cycle, and the results I'm getting are really bad. Keep in mind this is single player and highest level Dino out there is 30, and it's taking too much time to level up a Dino to over level 50.

With Sabertooth you can go as high as you like, each time I mate mine the babies get almost their parents level and better stats with imprinting, my caving Sabertooth is level 92 now.

Egg hatching is the problem, I would really appreciate the help, and if I'm doing something wrong please let me know.

Thank you for your time and help.

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The baby takes random stats from the parents (stats it had when finished taming) lvls given to the parents from lvling up do not count for babies. Whoch parent it takes stats from are random for each stat only way the baby can be stronger than the parents is if it gets a mutation which can give 2 additional points to a random stat 

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When breeding babies and aiming for higher levels, it's always important to keep the original tamed level of your parent tames in mind. If you tamed a male Carno and once tamed it was level 21, while a female you tamed was level 14, even if you have leveled these creatures up to 50+ the baby will take the original tamed levels into consideration. So, the lowest level baby you could get from the two would be 14 and anything in between it and 21 are fair game as well. 

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