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Community Crunch 140: Extinction Chronicles II, & ARKaeology Ending Tomorrow!


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7 hours ago, phantom55 said:

Eu realmente gostei das atualizações de Earth queimadas nos últimos 2 patches.

E também o decaimento do gerador deve ser removido. Ele não tem propósitos táticos no pvp, apenas tornando o mapa irritante.


Geradores tek   não vai  desligar mais  em tempestades ? Querendo  clonar dinos mas e impossível com o gerador desligando sempre !

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5 hours ago, DarkRaptor13 said:

Free stuff ? It was PAID content for consoles players and now it's free so, yes, it doesn't feel right to my eyes. No more reasons to buy content if it's free at the end... 

And yes it's cool for PC players but seriously, that was the only thing on console but not on PC and now you'll get it. On consoles we get everything weeks, even month, later than PC and we are all waiting for mods for consoles especially S+. But no news for that.

On consoles it's actually dead, I played like 30minutes the last month. No motivation to build a new base because I wait for S+ to build it the right way. And no motivation since I love dinos but they only focus on scifi now so I let ARK for JW evolution and all their beautiful dinosaurs ! 


What an entitled little....


I would have loved it if you console people were first in line for all the updates these past couple years so you'd be the ones dealing with all the "side effects" of these updates like we had to deal with. Bug after game breaking bug were largely ours because PC was the guinea pig platform. Many of which never make it to console yet aren't fixed on PC. Didn't you notice how the PC bug report forum is gone? They didn't do that because we're now bug-free. They did it so the countless bugs aren't continually in their faces since some have been there for years.

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So no mention of the xboxone crash to desktop problem despite numerous posts and threads on the subject.

I have been experiencing this problem for the past few weeks and now to top it all off my progress got deleted after a crash to desktop today. So until it gets fixed i'll be off wasting my time elsewhere, ironic really as i was looking forward to trying the other expansions - money i shall save for something that works properly.

Apologies if i sound bitter, but can you blame me.

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43 minutes ago, jimlogan1701 said:

So no mention of the xboxone crash to desktop problem despite numerous posts and threads on the subject.

I have been experiencing this problem for the past few weeks and now to top it all off my progress got deleted after a crash to desktop today. So until it gets fixed i'll be off wasting my time elsewhere, ironic really as i was looking forward to trying the other expansions - money i shall save for something that works properly.

Apologies if i sound bitter, but can you blame me.

Community Crunch never covers game bugs, that's not what the Community Crunch is there for.

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3 hours ago, AndrewLB said:


What an entitled little....


I would have loved it if you console people were first in line for all the updates these past couple years so you'd be the ones dealing with all the "side effects" of these updates like we had to deal with. Bug after game breaking bug were largely ours because PC was the guinea pig platform. Many of which never make it to console yet aren't fixed on PC. Didn't you notice how the PC bug report forum is gone? They didn't do that because we're now bug-free. They did it so the countless bugs aren't continually in their faces since some have been there for years.

At least you can enjoy content sooner than us. And you have a lot more content thanks to mods, our version has less bugs yes but a lot less content too because of this, despite WC having "sponsored mods". S+, Immersive taming and many other great mods are unavailable to consoles players. We need to wait for "official content" so the game evolve a lot slower. Or wait for WC to implement some mod content in the vanilla game, but it won't happen because they don't need to do that, PC players already have mods so they won't make effort if it's only for consoles players. To me, as a console player, sponsored mods is actually the most useless thing they made, it brings nothing new to the game. For us, no sponsorship would be exactly the same result. Sad because it could be awesome. 

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1 hour ago, DarkRaptor13 said:

To me, as a console player, sponsored mods is actually the most useless thing they made, it brings nothing new to the game

You mean other than the outstanding Ragnarok map.  ?

Look I understand you'd like modded content on console, however you also know your platform of choice is very limited in that regard.  No promises have ever been made that more sponsored mods will make it into the main game, however the chances of that eventually happening are much higher with the sponsored mod program that it would be without it.

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20 minutes ago, Ranger1 said:

You mean other than the outstanding Ragnarok map.  ?

Look I understand you'd like modded content on console, however you also know your platform of choice is very limited in that regard.  No promises have ever been made that more sponsored mods will make it into the main game, however the chances of that eventually happening are much higher with the sponsored mod program that it would be without it.

Didn't they say S+ would be implemented ? And they would work on "quality of life" stuff ? Both looks like forgotten now. 

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20 minutes ago, DarkRaptor13 said:

Didn't they say S+ would be implemented ? And they would work on "quality of life" stuff ? Both looks like forgotten now. 

They said there was a strong possibility that some parts of it would be adapted and brought into game.  That is not a promise, that is a declaration of their intention to investigate if it can feasibly be done.  For what it's worth I noticed that Orionsun (the Structures Plus mod author) was hired by Wildcard a few months ago, so that would seem to be a pretty firm indicator of their level of commitment in seeing what (if anything) can be done along those lines.

My point was that phrases like "we are investigating", "we intend to try", and "we would really like to" are often misquoted later as "we promise".  You know what I'm saying.  All they have said is that if time and manpower allow... and if it won't cause other issues in game play... some elements of S+ MAY make it into the core game someday.  But by the same token many of the features you might be thinking of could never make it into official gameplay.  For example no clip was a long time feature of S+, but it was removed when WC incorporated it as a user configuration option into the game.  Obviously this is only for unofficial and single player gameplay and will never be an option on official servers.

So hopefully we'll see S+ and other sponsored mods make it at least partially into the main game, and there is certainly nothing wrong with letting them know it would be appreciated.  

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- Scorched Earth
            - Electric Storm only affects tek weapons, tek turrets, tek saddles, and tek shield generators

And yet our tek generators, tek troughs, tek cloning chamber, tek teleporter and tek replicator have been knocked out by the storm still?? is this a bug. it would be great to know exactly what will and wont be affected because your comment  pretty much makes it seem like those items will be the only tek affected

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They should make an event where tame or make alphas. Like if you taming them then they have torpor drain like the giga and only use prime meat for taming. But if you are making them you have to use that creature to kill alphas in a percentage meter depending on what you are trying to make alpha. Like lets take a rex for example if you kill an alpha raptor you get 2%, carno 15%, and if you kill a rex you get 30%. That would be a pretty cool event and it could apply to under water creatures too.

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On 7/17/2018 at 2:17 AM, DarkRaptor13 said:


On consoles it's actually dead, I played like 30minutes the last month. No motivation to build a new base because I wait for S+ to build it the right way. 

LOL that's why my server  only JUST stopped being at tame cap, right? And why most servers are at tame cap most of the time? That's why there's never less then 20 people on the LEAST populated servers at any given time, and quite a few are full up? (These are Ragnarok servers, tbf, but still holds true.) 

That's why the xbox trading places on FB and other online places are always bumping and crazy, right? XDDDD

YOUR way is not 'the right way'. And if you didn't want a game with sci-fi elements, maybe you shouldn't have picked up a game with that as part of it's genre marketing, hmmm? 

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