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I have previously run a dedicated server on an xbox without any problems. I stopped playing for a while, but now I am having issues. I attempted to game share two of my Xbox live accounts in order to only have to purchase 1 copy of aberration. My dedicated xbox server would be joinable upon start up of the server, however after a brief period would be unjoinable. The server never showed up in the server searches either. There seemed to be a possible correlation that when the one xbox live account was not online the server xbox would have issues of being unoinable. Also the server xbox was unable to invite friends. The server xbox seemed to be running when looking at it, but no one was able to join. I thought that maybe i needed to own two copies so I bought a second copy on the server xbox and still had the same problem. Both xbox live accounts now had copies so i thought maybe it was the game sharing aspect. I deleted the opposite xbox live accounts and returned the home xbox status back to their own. Still had problems. Ensured that the xbox turn off settings was off and it was. Tried to change the port number and didnt work. Ran out of ideas so I decided to reboot the game and reinstall. It still didnt work. I made sure to delete all ark data and sadly removed all of my hard work and amazing cliff side city. It was worth losing this to attempt fixing the problem so that my friends and I can join without me having to constantly restart the server.  II was concerned that the pervious game sharing was still  possibly part of the problem even though I was no longer game sharing so I decided to restore my server xbox to factory settings. Went to store on my server gamer tag and showed that I owned ark base game and aberation like before. Reinstalled that game again and still had problems. I have also tried changing the name of the server, trying different maps, contacting server outages, restarting internet, trying server with and without passwords, trying to host server on other xbox live account. One is xbox other is xbox x so that is not issue either. I have excellent internet speeds and the server xbox is also wired. I have tried it with wireless and no success as well. Ark will be unplayable for my friends and I if this server problem can not be fixed so someone please help me. 

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