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How to deal with Alpha Leeds?


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So, i made a post yesterday about how to best live in a raft. I had a fully metal one, mind you the motorboat I had needed to be placed separately. Needed to transfer stuff from my raft to the motorboat. I was traveling the top north coast near Whitesky, and all of a sudden my boat started shaking. Okay, a leed. Big deal. They deal about 5 hits then i sink. 


I was hit within another 10 seconds, and my whole raft was gone. Just gone. My stuff, including my motorboat, thousands of ingots, 200 c4, safes, fridge, etc. was all instantly destroyed. The worst part? I DID WHAT THE GAME INSTRUCTED AND WENT TO LAND. But I was hit again while my entire boat was literally ON the iceberg. 

Firstly, they aren't supposed to be anywhere NEAR the shore. Only in open water. Secondly, they actually went ONTO land and attacked/sunk my boat. Everything glitched through (raptoring, raptoring, raptoring glitches with this game!) the iceberg and sunk all the way down to the bottom. I am on official and had oxygen at 100. Including my motorboat. I had a chance to revive everything by building quick boxes on my already-made boat. But NO. My motorboat is at the bottom of the ocean. 

So is there any way to deal with them as a solo player? Apart from just going another route? There really isn't a route, anyways. There was an AL at the west coast that meets the ice, another near whitesky, and ANOTHER midway to the oasis zone. There was no avoiding it. I was on land for crying out loud. This is absurd. 

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Icebergs arent Shore. Not technically.. Theyre floating islands with deep water beneath them.


Theyre supposed to ignore structures and bit at the boat directly.. So no matter the *armor* on the boat it still has the same HP


When being chased toss giant bee honey in the water.. Or Stick to shallow water NOT icebergs.. Youll actually see the land grandually sloping to shallow water if you go beneath the surface, some places the Shore is still next to deep water so pay attention to what depth of water youre above.


Build turrets and place them underwater. Seriously. You built a metal motor boat turrets shouldnt be too tough. Trust me. Refer to this pic. Me and 1 other person had our WaterWorld base on officials with underwater turrets and we didnt lose any rafts. Or mini city is 13x rafts all bundled together. It is entirely doable to live on the sea for solor or a two man tribe if you prepare. (Pvp war boats are a different story)


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Mine was no where near complex, it's just a storage box and a semi-fighting boat. I was doing a last trip in the North to gather some crystal and oil, and then that's when it happened. So according to what you said about the ice..Is there really no way to avoid them in that zone? I didn't have access to honey, I never went inland because i've just been scouring shore supplies for the last 2 days.. I'm on PvE offical now anyways so I can actually build on land this time without fear of raid. Thanks for helping though.

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Yeah sorry you lost so much time..and i hear it lots on these forums that EVERYONE hates leeds and want them gone.. Im sorry but they really are not that bad to deal with when you prepare to have an encounter with them.. They have good uses like passively harvesting primefishmeat.. They dont have a whole lot of hp.. either have underwater turrets or a school of tamed shark bodyguards. Turrets will kill a normal leeds in 10-15 shots on average from my memory.. Multiple turrets and leeds wont get close at all. My picture (2x man tribe on official rates for 3months) is proof its possible to live on the open sea directly above a leeds spawn point.

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3 minutes ago, RasFW said:

Hang one species x off the back to deter them. 2 to kill them. Use a motorboat. 


It really is that simple.

Like i said, I was in the middle transferring things from my raft to my motorboat. Didn't I say that it was an alpha leeds? I doubt those plants would do anything to the big version. I also had prebuilt turrets. I was caught in the worst possible moment. I'm built on land now anyways so screw rafts.

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4 minutes ago, MackTheKnife said:

Like i said, I was in the middle transferring things from my raft to my motorboat. Didn't I say that it was an alpha leeds? I doubt those plants would do anything to the big version. I also had prebuilt turrets. I was caught in the worst possible moment. I'm built on land now anyways so screw rafts.

2 plants will kill an alpha leed before it can catch up and hit your boat. I've killed dozens on our center server by slowly rafting away from them with species x on target all. They're a cancer to the eastern seas.

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