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Profile file problem


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Hello everyone!

First of all I play ARK on PC, via Steam. I play Singleplayer, but I think the problem falls into Server Administration.

Namely, 2 weeks ago (I was not using PC for a week after that) I had a electricity failure at my place, while I was playing ARK. When I rebooted PC my game character was gone, I had level 1 character on entirely new Island (as long as I can tell he was there, I did not have to create him).

Now, I visited this topics


After getting an .ark file from a month ago I couldn't find any .arkprofile files, except for those created after the crash. So I started tinkering with save files. Using ark tools I replaced every Id my old characted with Id of my new one. Suprisingly, when I started the game I had my characted back in the place when I left him, with all equipment. Also, all my buildings and dinosaurs were present BUT... they are not mine. It literally says on them "Tribe of Spike", I have "Tribe of Spike" on me (I tinkered with .arktribe files as well) but I can't use my smithy, get on my T-Rex and so on. In the Island .ark file I see for each dinosaur some ids,  "tamerString" and "OwnerName" properties both set to "Tribe of Spike". I am not sure how ownership of dinos is saved.


Thanks for help.


EDIT: I actually managed to get the dinosaurs to "reclaim" dinosaurs by setting "TargetingTeam" property of dinosaur in the  decrypted .ark file. Now I have only 3 basic engrams thou, and I try to figure out how they are saved. Damn this is getting tedious.

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PS.: I assume changing content of save files in not illegal ? I guess if we have tools to do it...

PS.: Right before power failure I noticed that all attribute points I applied thorough the game were reset - I had 100 Weight, 100 Max Health and so on. I have no idea why it happend or whetever it has anything to do with missing profile files.

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