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Community Crunch 134: Small Tribes Servers, Upcoming Structure Changes, & More!


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1 minute ago, TheDonn said:

Why are you white-knighting one single post where I misunderstood a statement?


So let me get this straight, it's ok for you to do a post, where you misunderstood something, and that was a single post, yet when I respond in the same fashion to that single post to point out the misunderstanding you call it white-knighting and feel the right to poke at me?

Do you feel that I should be expected to respond to every single post on this forum? There are 680,000+ posts on this forum, I am not going to respond to all of them, and by selecting ones I do respond to would not be considered white-knighting.

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Am I the only one seeing the hilarity of **nine** pages of people thanking you guys for not deleting their pillars? 8/10 of them are claiming that pillars are used to protect resources and the overwhelming majority of pillars strewn across our servers are "protecting" at most, berry spawns. Sure, some pillars are placed to protect creature and resource spawns but acting like square miles of pillared grassland is to protect the fiber spawns is both insane and the demonstrative of the larger issue at hand.

Edited by vkaslad
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On 6/6/2018 at 6:08 PM, AndrewLB said:

except you can't tame beavers.


I highly doubt they'll make resources no-build zones.



the good build areas are rarely in player spawn zones. And its the player spawn zones that all the noobs are b*tching about not being able to build at. all 4 official servers im on, once you get outside those spawn areas there is plenty of land. You just aren't gonna join a server thats 3k days old and expect to get some killer base location. Suck it up and take what you can get and if you stick around and stop crying, you'll score a great location. Every server im on i had a crap location at first. why should it be any different for entitled people like yourself?



You honestly think Wildcard is going to add such a claim/flag feature? lol. not a chance in hell. they're not going to make changes at such a fundamental level this far along. The unintended consequences would be massive and the resulting sh*t storm would make the flyer nerf look like it went over well.

Once again - no point in actually taming a beaver - the mammoth gatheres and holds more wood. The argy has a built in smithy with its saddle and a few snails produces adequate amounts of cp without the need to go dam raiding- the Beaver is completely redundent.

As for resources being made no build zones - that is exactly what WC did with the Island map around the volcano.

Regarding flagging/claiming - it was nothing more than an idea someone else raised earlier in the thread, and WC haven't been adverse to making gameplay changes that the fanbase haven't been fond off (i.e flyer nerf, slowly killing off legacy servers, taking away the ability to to land claim with pillars). But hey, let the butthurt flow through you.

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Also @AndrewLB if you read to the end of Jat's post you would see that the issue of toxic PVE pillaring has not been entirely dropped and will inevitibly be addressed - Flag claiming may yet be a potential solution regardless of people claiming they will never play again (who are they kidding - people still continued playing despite the unfavorable changes made to gameplay)

We want to make sure that the inevitable change we make recognises and can differentiate between illegitimate and legitimate cases.
We want to ensure that our change is a step forward for the game overall. 

We anticipate that this could be a significant change for the game, which is why we need the extra time to step back and reconsider all possible options

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The people are right if you destroy pillars that are protecting valuable resourse spawns and making the game where noobs can grief big tribe thats gonna make a lot of OG players quit because their will be no place to go and advance in the game so dont take away the pillers that protecting spawns but make it to where if a foundation or a 1x1 hut was placed near valuable resources wouldnt ruin the spawn if it is uninhabited. And hopfully most of you who read this should happen THANK YOU WC I HAVE BEEN PLAYING THIS GAME SINCE DEC.21\22 on xbox til june 27 ON PC THANK YOU FOR THE THOUSDANDS OF HOURS I PUT INTO THE GAME.?

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On 6/10/2018 at 10:01 AM, Zyx said:

If the pillaring rework does occur, maybe it should come implemented with a natural hard coded protection for being unable to build on important places like metal mountains, beaver dams, supply drops, player spawns, etc.

This would be a good start and could be implemented right away. Then they only need to find a way so players can protect their bases without having massive pillar / foundation spam. I'm really looking forward for an organic ingame solution.

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Can you just understand , to be fair , and to win more players , you need to put "Time for PVP" for example 6 hours for day the pvp is open , to let the others evolve, "the alphas"  are dominiting the small tribes already , do something about it ! the creators of the game are destroying him1

Edited by timoftecosta7
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My wife and i play pve official servers.  We returned to our old aberation server after a six month heitus from arm and couldn't even build a small base because come tribes think the whole server is there's.  They had every inch of it pillard.  The server had an average of about 6 people logged in at any given time.  We checked out other servers and did manage to find one that isn't crazy pillard.

We also returned to our scorched server.  Cant find anyplace there either....   I manage to build a 4 x 4 shack within a short run of water but in only because they must of got cheap with the pillars.  We searched every inch of the water way.  Most waterways have fenced surrounding them and have pillers out on all cliffs and even out into the desert.  Lots of great space but it is unbuildable...   on scorched official servers you cant run a pipe to a well so you are forced to be near the water.  You can get to the water without flyers because the water is gated...  I will be on the hunt for a different scorcehed server tonight.

Haven't been back to raganork. It was so bad six months ago....  I'm sure it's worse now.

I do understand that pillars are great to keep people from blocking resources...  I do understand they keep roadways open.   I do understand it keeps people from building so close to you that you can't expand or even add to your building....

But pillars suck when abused.    Make key resources area not buildable like drops but with a smaller foot print.   Or make buildings affect metal crystal obsidian differently Make pillars that are within redraw sight of your base carry the bases demolish time.   PLEASE get rid of the pillar spamming.  If you make it to where there is no need to use pillars for legitimate reasons then the will be no push back for a short timer.

Blah blah... pillars suck

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Ark Needs a bigger map allot bigger then the new one and allot more Dino's or now days animals keep ark but mix it up a little more maps more weapons more tools more stuff I love ark just needs more stuff it would be awesome to have Dino's and now days animals mixed on bigger maps and more epic animals and Dino's with awesome things they can do plz ark do this for every one for free ark took off as an awesome game keep it going mix it up thank your for the awesome game  and should bring in Jurassic world Dino's like the indominas rex


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On 6/4/2018 at 9:15 PM, Gravex said:

I swear you devs are the biggest morons ever. You are just going to make things much worse because everyone will find out what the minimum is and just spam that instead. Also tribes wouldnt find a need to spam so much if you guys actually gave defenders more tools to use.  Spamming is one of the few things that can slow down a raid or give some warning at the very least.

It’s so easy to destroy spam if you have clusters

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Solving meat issues: (some what)

Okay so someone said something worth while about the meat run issues, eat the ocean.  (That is great but I've only ever been in the ocean max of 2 days out of my 3000+ hours since early beta/alpha)  I'd make a new effort however the ocean land is taken or pillared so if i went to the ocean to tame i'd have to leave them somewhere to not be eat.

Great we got meat, probably not much but its something, spawn more fish ^ near the beach areas would be great for land owners with no sea base.

Edit here: Add more meat barring animals, the pig (forget the name) spawn a lot more of these for land meat, instead of bronto's (less lag).

Berry issues:(idea)

5+ floors of garden plots, the issue is can't build on top of each-other which means more of the map will be taken up, my idea would be to make an all glass garden with more than 1 floor that actually works to increase berry production, the ability to use my Stego (A Tame) to harvest my berry garden would be great and quick.

^There is the food solved, you have to allow for the ability to use the garden panels pass through as if they are not being blocked. ^ less building space, lag issue solved for the most part.

Land claiming: (idea)(expandable fence)(much like how the dino's grow now)

A Dome cage fence structure (see image) people like to show off their tames this gives them that opportunity and the world becomes their floor so less structures better base building(for structures and not dinos), same fence can be used to breed, fence can get bigger or is 1 size that would fit the size of an allowed amount of space to be taken up by any tribe.(WC's, decision on length, width)

Only certain objects can be built within the cage, ACs come to mind and troughs since these are needed to feed and breed.  Perhaps some turret options for pvp, pve on top if creatures break a section off and enter the area. (...Issues are your spawn of wilds usually even enter bases...so that would be a YOU issue...)   Once the fence is placed to put tames in you can no longer build outside (a wide are of your choosing, WC.) Maybe add an option to put a fence on a fence for more room if they hit their limits or reach a neighboring building (vicinity).

Tame cap is obvious, you know what you have to do.

Additional idea, since you are launching these new server ideas implement ^ these changes into a server cluster see how it goes if people love the idea stick it into officials and S+.  THEN anyone claiming more land adding pillars outside of their areas can be reported and banned where needed.

What bothers me about sharing the ideas i have is i am not getting paid for this and you profit from it.  makes sense? but i see that people at the company are having troubles and these are my attempts at alleviating these troubles so i can enjoy a game i payed for and planned to play indefinitely.



Edited by zeroBurnAcidCool
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