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Argent HP lowered 20 procent, why?


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Meanwhile Giga health is 80 000, Wyvern breath is a mile and goes trough structures.

Remembering my PvP days Argents was a fast and good early survival tame. Reducing this makes the Argent void. 

I guess Wyverns is the only tame now. Not at all OP. Shots from far away, moving with player never touching the ground. A level 1 player first choice for sure.



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6 minutes ago, DomiDarko said:

It's all about the balance. With the new weight-buff, smithy saddle and hp-regen after eating a corpse I don't mind about the health-nerf. It is still pretty good.

Yea I was just about to say the same. I can't believe how amazing the new argy is. I started up few weeks ago on the new PVE fresh oficial servers, and one high level argy with all weight has built us up like wildfire. Argy HP nerf = no big  deal if they keep these changes. 

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The TLC made the Argy a definitive utility mount rather than battle mount IMO. Now with half carry weight even on Ingots, heals on eating from a corpse and can now carry Galli/Doedi/Ankylo to name a few plus it now has a "smithy on board" with the saddle craft ability.

Seriously, how much do you want one bird to do for you?

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Yes this is what I mean it is a first tame on a new server or for a new player not ever playing PvP. The Argents need every HP to help new tribes or new solo player to progress. Take it away and we end up with just big tribes.

It is just fine for big tribes and they have less players to bother wirh. Sounds safe and nice for big tribes.




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4 hours ago, Melcreif said:

I have no issues with the health loss. I can still take an alpha rapter without him hardly hitting me with the knock back.  This of course is if I keep my eyes open for non-alpha rapters.  They are the scary ones...

ugh! i recently tried to see if my new 100% imprint raptor could take on an alpha carno by itself but i got dragged of by raptors and tehn killed by troodons. had to come back on my wyvern and kill everything just in case, because i had no way to monitor its health and i didn't want it to die.

but to the subject of the argie nerf,  i don't think its really that big of a deal. In PvE the argies biggest advantage is that it can fly and so hit an run. for pvp, if they're able to do 80% of your HP they're gonna get the last 20% in pretty short order so i don't see it having a significant impact. 


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9 hours ago, Comby said:

we did Manticore  boss with argy's. was fine before hp drop.. now it cuts rather close :/ but i'm sure when we breed new ones we might beable to stat them slightly diffrent. will jsut have to wait and see lol

Im thinking of doing this for my SE run.. roughly what stats are your argys coming out for manticore? Birth stats (and what you level them too aswell if u dont mind) 


Just looking for some numbers to shoot for

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alittle mixed on stats but 400+ melee and 4k hp base stats i think some have around 3500 base hp aswell.. after level up around 5k hp and 1000 Melee.. ours mostly have around 4800 hp and 1027 melee.. works fine.. buffing with a yuty and 1 rex killing the worms.. we do it on Scortched earth not sure if that makes a diffrence.

i'm guessing alittle with the boss argy's becasue i didnt breed them.. but the eggs from them hatch out at 4088 hp and 431 melee so that would be good target :) 

with 100% imprint 4905 hp and  516 melee :D

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