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Way to tame otters without fish in the way?


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Wondering if there's some graphics option or other method to stop this from happening:   Whenever I go to tame an Otter I find in the river, I kill a fish, grab it's corpse with E, and try to drag it to the (on serious stimulants zooming everywhere) otter in question.    The problem is the dead fish graphic gets in the way, and I can't feed the otter because I can't see it to get the prompt to feed it...I have to contort in the water like a crazy person, or let go and pick up the fish rapidly to try to have a chance (if the otter slows down at all).    Is there a way to disable or move the dead fish's corpse from hanging right in my front view?

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I've had good luck by making sure I'm always walking towards the other with the fish, get up on top of the other, look down while still moving forward and mash E when the feed prompt comes up.

If you stop moving, the fish goes all balloon like in your face. It's a sloppy mechanic for sure, but try to chase after it and keep moving to keep the fish behind your camera.

Aside from that, luring it to a cage with rare flowers would help contain it, maybe scorched earth tents still work for housing them.

Also practice in single player to get it down before official servers.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I usually grab it with something but when i am taming herperornis which is essentially the same thing, I lure it into a 1 foundation wide box. one side is a wall and ramp, other three sides are railings. i then use a ichthyornis to bring me fish to feed it, i usually find that ramming the railings and hitting E while cursing at my monitor works.

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