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Argentavis Update Questions


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*Currently on Steam version*

Argy pickup buttons C and RMB


.. i would guess that the normal mapped buttons would still apply for the console versions


C (crouch) = press R stick

Rmb (alt-fire) = LT 


i can confirm on Steam Version argy saddle can only craft and not repair items.. Beaver and thorny can craft and repair but the argy can only craft.

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4 hours ago, DubsJ said:

I was wondering if someone could clear some things up about the Argentavis update in the next patch on Apr. 26th. What will the carry buttons be for Xbox One (only PC keys shown in notes). Also what will you be able to craft from the Argentavis saddle (will it be like the Beaver smithy)?

It seems it will have the regular grab like now and the "wyvern grab" (thumbstick) 

I am so unbelievably excited for the patch.. i love all these new tlc dinos

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