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Please incorporate a raft limit.


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If you are going to insist that rafts with structures count so heavily towards the dino cap, please, I must request that you limit the number of rafts a tribe/survivor can own. One of, if not the single largest issue with the dino cap on Ragnarok PvE servers are the tribes that troll with several dozen rafts. 

I understand your reasoning behind the dino cap; but this is not a matter of performance anymore.

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110% agree with this one.  Raft spamming is a HUGE issue on Ragnarok.  Make a limit of one per player, and tribe limit can be scale-able to one per player in tribe.  Come to think of it make tribe limit scale-able as well.  Why should a one person tribe have the same dino limit as a 10 person tribe!!!!

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Guest DJRone89
1 hour ago, johnm81 said:

rafts and platform saddles already count to the tribe tame limit

PvP only. On PvE it’s still 1 for 1.

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