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Offline raid protection.

Admins do not interfere with anything other than hacking, glitching, or breaking the rules.

Longer days Faster nights. Fast tames, Kits, Abberation creatures, Ragnarok,The Island, Cluster

Server Info

Slots:40 Discord: https://discord.gg/udHaHRW https://toparkservers.com/server/


Server Rules 1. No hacking/glitching - Skyboxing/Undermeshing

  1. No spamming foundations - No spamming foundations and pillars unless you're raiding. Clean it up after you're done.
    1. No spamming global You can say whatever you want just don't constantly spam to annoy people.
    2. No artifact/obelisk blocking Pretty much self explanatory. Don't block artifact caves and don't block any obelisk.

ALSO Admins will not replaces anything that you lose for whatever reason. For example, one of your tribemates decided to destroy all your poop and steal it then make a new tribe. We will not replace it.


Cross Aberration

Better Beacons 2.0

Resource Stacks

Classic Flyers

Tek Plus+

Awesome Teleporters!

Reusable Plus

Boosted Fabricator+ [2.0]

Ammo Pools (Fixed!)

Bulk Crafters

Meat Spoiler

Egg N Poop Collector / Incubator

Customizable Tranquilizer Weapons Mod v4.1

ORP2 - Offline Raid Protection

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you on my server!

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