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ARK Dev Kit Freezing when right clicking!??! Help!


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I have been searching for 2 days now and no solutions have come up.

I am trying to make a tranq + kind of mod but whenever i right click something in the context browser or hit play it always freezes

In case this is a hardware incompatibility issue here are my specs


GTX 1080

i7 7700K

32GB DDR4-3000 Ram

No SSD but 1 3 TB HDD with 2 terabytes avaliable


Has anyone else had this problem or know how to fix it?



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  • Wildcard Community

I actually saw and responded to your post on the UE4 forums.

This is normal behavior, the devkit will seem to have locked up but it is actually working. After launching the devkit the first time you try to open ( Or right-click) a blueprint the kit has to load that blueprint and then all of the assets that it references. it takes a long time to load these assets, especially the very first time you try to use the dev kit.

Don't force it to shut down, don't try to close the dev kit.

The fact that you are using an HDD means that it will take especially long. Just wait. Find a PrimalGameData blueprint, attempt to load it, and wait. pull up a movie, binge some Netflix, but just let it work without interrupting it.

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