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ARK Survival Evolved for Mobile!


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3 hours ago, HighFlyer15 said:

You know that "oh poop, they shouldn't have done this" face whenever someone does something they shouldn't have because they still have a lot of other things to fix first?
I'm pretty sure all the people still defending Wildcard are making that face riiiight about now. Even if it's developed by War Drum Studios which I understand isn't taking away time from Wildcard fixing ARK but I'm sure somewhere, somehow it still is. At least it's resources going to a place where no one really expected ARK to ever go?

It's free ;) 

I wasn't expecting that too. But it looks logic, they are expanding the ark universe to get a larger public. First on consoles, soon in VR, already a Minecraft variant (Pixark) and now on mobile. Of course PC players will find it useless but mobile players will like it. Next steps are probably a Switch edition and other kind of game/medias based on the Ark universe (war game, strategy game, maybe a card game or a movie/serie). Not sure about it but why not... That time/money spent can make ARK and WC bigger because of more money... And this could help to develop/update the original game as they are trying to extend their universe instead of rebooting it. 

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Yes its free to play but you know what that means??? Pay to win! Also you know this game will be horrific on mobile. My xbox cant handle ark at times < 5fps so mobile really? Its a gimic! even if they make a game like ark that can run on mobile it will be plagued by so many bugs( think how long takes wildcard to fix a bug, now think of half the amount of devs patching said bugs as its a mobile game) then comes the control's. Lol ark on mobile no thanks!

Edited by myksta0121
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I’m very excited to see this coming to mobile! I absolutely love this game, having over 1400 hours on PC. 

Hopefully I am chosen for the beta test, as I’m curious to see how the controls will be, and how the timers will work. 

I’m so excited to bring this game everywhere I go, as if I’m not already addicted to it at home! 

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So ark is going pay to win.  I hope this concept they have stays on mobile and doesn't start to leak into console and pc.  I would be mad mad if I just grinded out for two days and some one pays $100 gets everything and wipes my base.  That's why I can't play the mobile version.  I just hope that they use money from this cash cow they are making to help develop the core game on PC and console.  Don't turn this game into Mobile Strike.

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