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Community Crunch 121: Triceratops TLC Preview, Introducing Zen Rowe and more!


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 Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! :Jerbhi:

The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community!

TLC #2 Preview - Triceratops!

This week we'll be previewing the latest TLC of one of our oldest friend, here is everyone's favourite early tame, the Triceratops!


The Triceratops, one of our oldest friends and earliest creatures implemented into the game will be receiving both a gameplay update and visual update including facial changes plus a reskin. Generally, in terms of gameplay, we felt that the Trike was in a relatively good place in regards to how much benefit in provided vs how difficult it was to obtain. As an early game herbivore, we didn't want to do a complete redesign however it was clear to us that there were some very obvious changes we needed to make.

First of all, the Triceratops will receive the ability to perform a charge and ram attack! It has a short-wind up time to notify that the trike is preparing to charge, the attack will build speed and damage during the windup, which then transfers to increased damage and ends in a ram attack which will knock targets back and can leave them stunned for a short period of time.

Additionally, its herding instincts will be improved, resulting in two changes. A 'Rivalry Buff' which will be applied to all nearby ally Triceratops when in range of large therapods and carnivores that will increase their stats/dmg akin to Mate Boost. It will also increase the wild Triceratops' aggro notify range by twice so that other Trikes are more likely to come to its aid.

Introducing Zen Rowe!

Zen Rowe will be joining our Community Team as the Mod Community Manager! Here's what he had to say:

Hello, Everyone!

Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Josh, but some of you may know me as Zen Rowe. I have been a part of the modding community for over two years now and have been heavily involved with the discord especially. I had the pleasure of helping new people in the community learn how to use the ARK Dev Kit and watched them build out their ideas for mods, just as some did for me when I started out. For the last several months I have been sponsored for one of my projects, ArkFrame, which focused on enhancing the mods made by others and supporting interaction between mods.

Today, I am excited to become your new Mod Community Manager. My objective is to bring more consistent communication with the community and help mod authors build the quality of their projects even further. I will also be leading the sponsored modding team and be providing support for their projects.

We already have some changes planned for the mod community that will be coming soon. Every other week, as part of the community crunch, I will be doing mod spotlights and giving tips, tutorials, and best practices. We are also going to start hosting a Mod Tutorial Contest every other week. As a community, I believe we can embolden and encourage each other to make ARK even better, and I will be an active presence in the multiple areas of the modding community (UE4 forums, Discord, Steam forums). I look forward to working with you all and for our first bit of exciting news, let's begin with the Modding Tutorial Contest!

The goal of this contest is to encourage mod authors to share knowledge and increase the skill level and understanding of mod authors that are new or trying to acquire new skills.

The Great Migration #2!


This will be our final warning regarding the second deprecation of some of our legacy servers! It will take place on Friday, 9th of March. We'll be starting off by working on bringing these specific Legacy Servers offline in the early morning, and by the end of the evening, we'll have a launched a bunch of new Official Servers across all platforms. The save files for the PC servers will be made available on Friday the 9th, and we'll be working with Nitrado to get the console ones online as soon as possible! If you are a player on the Official Legacy Server Network please read the full post at the link below for more information as well as a list of which Legacy servers are being taken down permanently.

Arkpocalypse Servers!


Our previously named Extinction servers have been renamed ARKPOCALYPSE servers for all platforms. They also have increased rates! Join a fast-paced server that wipes every month! The increased values are listed below as well as the key ones are listed on the image above.


Taming Speed will be increased to 3x
Harvesting Multiplier will be increased to 3x
XP Multiplier will be increased to 3x
Mating Interval will be reduced by 66%
Baby Mature Speed will be increased to 3x
Egg Hatch Speed will be increased to 3x
Baby Cuddle Interval will be reduced by 2x
Crop Growth Speed will be increased to 3x
Hair Growth Speed will be increased to 2x

You can play on your favourite map and transfer between other Arkpocalypse servers on a closed cluster, separate from the main PVP cluster. Note: Arkpocalypse servers are not affected by Evolution Events.

Fan Building Contest!

Survivors, Firespark81 & GGFizz are currently hosting a building contest for fellow PC Survivors. They are doing both a vanilla and modded contest.

If you're a budding arkitect and interested in the competition, check out the video above. They also have a list of rules and a sign-up form if you'd like to enter.

Contest Rules & Info: https://sites.google.com/view/buildconrules/

Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdaInq2jQ_i5Xe0AWQI6UN9KAK4O0RqgDH_j2eXupfk3rjpFQ/viewform

Be sure to get in touch with them if you're interested in participating, and good luck!

Community Contests!

NVidia Ansel Photography Contest


Super Resolution Version: http://images.nvidia.com/ansel/SuperResolution/ARK-SuperResolution1/ARK__Survival_Evolved_HighRes_2016_09_01_-_14_38_36_55.html

ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots.  Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. 

Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog.

Now let’s get to the contest!

There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following:

Four Categories

*NEW* Freestyle: These can be images or videos taken using NVIDIA's new Freestyle filters! If videos are submitted, they must have a maximum duration of one minute. 

Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key.

Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display.

Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category!

And now without further ado, here are your entries!



BlueDragon - Dinner time



Ego - Funny joke


BlueDragon - Eternal Volcano


Honourable Mentions!

Wolf Amaterasu - Mysterious Night


roguewolf91 - The Watcher


Rahthos - Spring is Coming


roguewolf91 - The Dreamer


Rahthos - Surreal


GP - Flying Free


Rahthos - Half-Life


Rahthos - Descent


Rahthos - Contamination


Rahthos - Breath of Fire




BlueDragon - Otter Cuteness


BlueDragon - Blue Crystal


BlueDragon - Blend in


Super Resolution!


GP - Fishing At Dawn



StateofMynd42 - Sailors be Warned


ZoaLive - Volcano at night


BlueDragon - Death below and above


Honourable Mentions!

ZoaLive - You better run


ZoaLive - Beautiful night


ZoaLive - Queen of the sky


ZoaLive - Twist


ZoaLive - Through the flames


Wolf Amaterasu - Bullfrog


ZoaLive - Grouping up


GP - Scrummage!


Wolf Amaterasu - Walk on the Beach


Wolf Amaterasu - Crystal Wyvern


GP - Strolling Through The Redwoods


GP - Dinner Time


roguewolf91 - Rise and Shine


Morgengrau - Enjoying the last golden light of the day


Ego - Spring mood


BlueDragon - Purple


BlueDragon - I believe I can fly


BlueDragon - Guardian  of the Loot


BlueDragon - Awaken


Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D!


Wolf Amaterasu - The Tropics



BlueDragon - Fire Water


Honorable Mentions!

Ego - Between two fires


roguewolf91- Heart of the Mountain


StateofMynd42 - Hot Times, Summer in the... City


Wolf Amaterasu - Chaos Reborn


Wolf Amaterasu - Over the Falls


GP - Fight At Dawn


Wolf Amaterasu - The Wilderness


Wolf Amaterasu - Tropical Retreat


Wolf Amaterasu - World in Despair


EXFIB0 - Vines


EXFIB0 - Aberration




F1r3fly - Ark Kombat


Honourable Mentions!

Wolf Amaterasu - Tyrannosaurus Pac-Man


Wolf Amaterasu - ARK Farms Honey Jar Label


Morgengrau - Winter is Here


Valoule - Ark Raptor Assault



This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children!

And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 121 is...

Grumpy Town Mod Official Trailer by Jukari!


This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more!

The ARKitect for Community Crunch 121 is…

New Mayflower by The Pilgrim!

If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here:

Fan Feature!

The Beauty of the Crystal Isles by Rahthos

ARK Aberration Theme Song (Metal Cover) 2018 by Nate Hayden

Epic Castle Build - On Ragnarok by TRanger

Bodyguard (PART 67) by GeeKy gAMer no.1 & gOOgly Owl



Eco City by LEETHEG666

Kirby by Wolf Angelus

Chinese Water Dragon by Lusaka6

Featherlight by Caroline @runswithpencil

ScorchedEarth Wyvern Queen by FollyVenturesEDCE9F46C029961F294572A8AFDE347A552985F0

swamp thing 2 by mateaperic51

the psycho in digital by mateaperic51

Blackneck monitor by milokamilo

Odogaron by milokamil

Realistic Tyrannosaurus update by DinoPlayer34

Ark - Reaper Queen by cfowler7

Introducing Brachiosaurus! by Nokryn

That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on:

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark

All the best,
Studio Wildcard


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The upcoming TLC update looks amazing!  I can't wait to have it in-game.  Are you still going to do the Argentavis?  It would be wonderful if you did!
When will we be able to get the save file for our legacy servers that are closing???  I have been hunting for the save file since February 19th.  Please, I need to know whether I have to move my dinos to the only 2 servers left available to me!  Is the valentine's event included in the save?

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  • Administrator

The save files will be made available as soon as possible after the servers are taken offline. They'll be from the 10th of February, so it won't include the progress made during Valentines but if you plan to re-host your save, you can just tweak the rates to get the numbers in. Arg will still be making its way in, this was another creature we wanted to talk about :)


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The Secret wall doors in the video above should definitely be added into the main game. As you are attacked or need a secret way out you would have one. They should incorporate this and maybe the ability to bury a chest full of objects incase you get raided you could have some back up things to get back on your feet. Just go use your shovel and dig it up. Triceratops is sounding amazing cannot wait to play these characters again for the first time.

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1 hour ago, Jatheish said:

The save files will be made available as soon as possible after the servers are taken offline. They'll be from the 10th of February, so it won't include the progress made during Valentines but if you plan to re-host your save, you can just tweak the rates to get the numbers in. Arg will still be making its way in, this was another creature we wanted to talk about :)


And, unless they clean out the extra files, were gonna get bonus maps. ;)

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Love the new Triceratops. I just hope the walking and running animations get an update too so it doesn't look like the dire bear's animation when it's running. As my second favorite dinosaur, I'm glad it's going to be able to really tackle large carnivores now, meaning it will have more use throughout the entire game as an anti-large carnivore mount. Can you imagine how powerful that rivalry buff is going to be? Look out, Tyrannosaurus. There's a new sheriff in town and he's calling you out.

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Love the new trike design, however I feel it should still be increased in size by 25%, triceratops were just as big as stegosaurus. Or at least have male “bull” trikes in the heards that are bigger and the only ones that get the rivalry buff. And yes I know the trike is a hybrid triceratops/styracasaurus but it should be bigger 

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Why not focus energy on fixing all the constantly reported bugs? Why not focus energy on getting all platforms even with one another in terms of updates and function? I mean yeah, you can make dinos look pretty all you want but polishing a turd still makes it a turd. Ive been here since Alpha, and I've watched the game grow, gain strength, become something exciting, and then you started getting paid and stopped giving a single raptor about your community. You put out these notices to get fans excited and keep people around but when's the last time someone read a bug report? The whole page is full of crash and broken game complaints. Some people have support tickets from last November still waiting to get answered. Nah, you're good, just keep polishing this turd up nice and shiny, maybe one day someone will believe its not poop.

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Guest DJRone89
2 hours ago, Mongo1986 said:

@ZenRowe is there any chance the structures plus mod will be getting ported over to ps4


2 hours ago, JadenMassey3 said:

Yeah I also want ps4 to get mods.

That’s a Sony thing, not Wildcard. Same with my console, the Xbox, it’s a Microsoft thing.

Wildcard can’t just magically give console players mods, we only get them as a form of game integration like the previous 3; The Center, Primitive Plus, and Ragnarok.

Believe it or not, the Skyrim/Fallout model actually costs millions to do so there’s no point hoping Ark will follow in their footsteps.

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3 hours ago, Jatheish said:

The save files will be made available as soon as possible after the servers are taken offline. They'll be from the 10th of February, so it won't include the progress made during Valentines but if you plan to re-host your save, you can just tweak the rates to get the numbers in. Arg will still be making its way in, this was another creature we wanted to talk about :)


Thank you so much for the information Jat!  You have no idea how happy I am to hear this :D  I'll miss my server, but being able to keep my dinos makes it easier to bear.  Thanks again!

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Love the new trike!

( all the dinos for the upcoming tlc look great )

but the only dino that really should get Some tender love and care is the PACHY

This guy has been in the game for sooo long and you cant use the Pachy for anything Its useless to tame...

the model aswell it is just to small and the head doesnt look like a Pachy at all!

i hope you Guys would Make this dino bigger and more epic with Some better stats so it could kill a raptor .... and Maybe Some abilaties for example to break rock but not gather rock and that it can harvest berries...

i hope you Guys do something to this awesome dino

kind regards,

a fan and a long time player of your game!


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  • Volunteer Moderator

Congrats everyone on all your entries! I love the Grumpy Town trailer, it's amazing! It really shows off the power of what Modders can really do with ARK! And welcome to @ZenRowe i'm really looking forward to having you onboard the WC Family as Mod Community Manager, and really looking forward to seeing what comes out of the Mod Contests! :Jerblove:


Also excited to see what awesome builds come from the Build Contest hosted by @GG Fizz and @Firespark81.

The Trike having a charge effect is great, I've always thought it was lacking something like that.

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  • Volunteer Moderator
5 hours ago, Mongo1986 said:

@ZenRowe is there any chance the structures plus mod will be getting ported over to ps4


5 hours ago, JadenMassey3 said:

Yeah I also want ps4 to get mods.


2 hours ago, DJRone89 said:


That’s a Sony thing, not Wildcard. Same with my console, the Xbox, it’s a Microsoft thing.

Wildcard can’t just magically give console players mods, we only get them as a form of game integration like the previous 3; The Center, Primitive Plus, and Ragnarok.

Believe it or not, the Skyrim/Fallout model actually costs millions to do so there’s no point hoping Ark will follow in their footsteps.


I'm not speaking on behalf of Zen Rowe here, but it was announced last year that Structures Plus will be incorporated in to the base game for all platforms, which includes PC, Xbox and PS4 in some shape or form. That is the current plan and it is still in development stages for that to happen as it was selected from the Sponsored Mod Program. So there's no need for porting to PS4 as it will be integrated in to the core game.

  • Thanks 1
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