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looking for advice on the ragnarok arena


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I'm looking for some feedback on the boss fight in here. I have plenty of rexes, enough to do this arena and wipe 3 or 4x and lose every rex. There is some variance in my rexes, but i am able to level most if not all of them up to 20-25k hp and 500 melee. Some have over 30k and a few are even up at 35k. I have a journeyman saddle bp with about 58 armor on it, which ends up around 60 due to my crafting skill. I've got some yutyrannus that I've been breeding that I am also able to level around 25k hp and 4k stam w/ around 300 melee, though i don't anticipate them doing too many melees. I also can likely get 5 maybe 6 people to come do the fight with me.

With all of this in mind, how does someone who has experience with this arena think I would do on each of the difficulties? I would not mind testing with these rexes since I have recently gotten a health mutation that I would love to start a new generation of rexes with. I am just trying to gauge how people with experience think i would do with these dinos since I have never done the boss fights.


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I think you are fine doing Beta. The dragon drops pretty quickly. Only problem we got with the arena is that the manticor rarely lands and most of the time takes of a second after it landed.

So i would recommend taking weapons with you to do some damage to the manticor while in flight.

Just recently did the gamma and beta ragnarok arena for the first time. We used therizinos and did a lot of mistakes. Therizinos have no mutations, but pretty good ascended saddles.


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By far the most annoying part of the Rag arena is attacking the manticore.  You will get a very short window to attack it.  Rexes are great for the dragon, but pretty bad against the Mnaticore. For manticore, the trick is the Woolly Rhino.  A Rhino with 500% damage and imprint bonus, and Yuti buff can hit for over 50k on a full charge.  Hit the manticore a few times with that and it's toast.  Plus you can shoot while on a Rhino, so when he's in the air, blast him with a Pump-Action Shotgun (best weapon by far for hitting the Manticore), and when you see it coming in for a landing, get a charge going.  Good luck!

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