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pvp Ragnarok PvP OCE 100 - 'The Police' clan


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The Police (Nib, particularly) wiped my base that myself and my two mates had heaps of fun building last night, as well as the dinos we spent hours taming. While we were offline.

I get that it's a PvP server, but is the end game just that? Keeping a server to yourself? Or wiping small bases? We just liked to build and heard that PvP servers are the only one you can use Argies to pick dinos up on. I think PvE might be better for us if this is the kind of thing that goes on within PvP servers.

I think I'm just upset - but the experience sucks. Maybe you guys could possibly help the next small group of friends that start on your server next time? 

All the best to your clan in the future.

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Man I get your pain, I used to live on a server with a few mates and we got bruttally wiped in a humiliating way, We started on a different server on the center that was really deserted and built up. Literally was super peaceful. eventually we teamed up with some other big tribes and transferred to the original server, we wiped them and caged there players too. 

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