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Xbox One Full PVP Abberation, Nitrado

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Hey guys! Newly purchased Nitrado server, cross play enabled. Boosted crate and fishing drops. No Building collision. Player location. Max spoil time. Corpse locator. In addition to the above listed stats, Egg lay x5, Dino Harvesting x8, mating speed x.5, egg hatch x10, kill xp x5, craft xp x5, generic xp x2, mature speed x10, level max 310, difficulty x9.

6 max tribe size, alliances allowed. No rules pvp except for one: no Building in surface caves.

PC: Xbox: [US] ~Pantheon~ Lvl. 310 Max (10x Harvest, 10x Tame, 5x XP)

Admins are active but do not interfere with any tribe dynamic. They have their own tribe, you have yours. You'll never see their tribe name in your log. They exist just to play like everyone else and assist when Dinos get stuck etc..

Thanks for reading! Day 50ish as of 1/15/18. Any questions? Pm or reply below. 

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