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Changing Dino spawns question


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Hey all,

I have a pc hosted server running aberration and most of the players wanted the Carbonemys changed to the Gigantopithecus.

I have the code NPCReplacements=(FromClassName="Turtle_Character_BP_Aberrant_C",ToClassName="Bigfoot_Character_BP_C") which is stopping the turtle from spawning but the gorilla does not seem to be spawning.

I was not sure if it was the spawn rate so I have placed DinoSpawnWeightMultipliers=(DinoNameTag=Bigfoot_Character_BP_C, SpawnWeightMultiplier=50.0, OverrideSpawnLimitPercentage=true, SpawnLimitPercentage=0.50) to increase the spawn rate of them to try and see if it works. I have also run the destroy wild dinos command a few times to make all dinos gone but still not seen any of the gorillas..

I am hoping someone is able to help me with this as not sure if its an issue with the code or something else.

Hoping someone has a solution :) thanks.


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