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Is it possible to get a metal pick BP in aberration?


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I am beginning to think there are not BPs for Mining Pick or Hatchet, not giving up hope just yet.

Having said that, make sure you loot all the bags dropped by both the Nameless and Seekers, they both drop metal weapons.

I have about 6 Apprentice Mining Picks and 2 Apprentice Hatchets, as well as a crapload of Ramshackle/Primitive Picks, Hatchets, Climbing Picks, Swords, Crossbows.

Great fodder for the grinder...

I would trade a full grown 190 Drake for a BP of Mining Pick of Journeyman or above.

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There are pick bps, but it's like winning the lottery. Instead have one of you or one of your guys make a new char that's all melee. We have a 500% melee guy and we got over 2k red gems from one large gem cluster. He gets as much as our 650% melee anky with just a ramshackle pick. Just need a bodyguard and he can get all the oil or red gems you can wave a pick at. Give him decent armor and a good sword and he can cruise through the glowtail cave slaying all then wild dinos inside. Plus he can die and you don't have to tame another! You gotta PICK the melee char as the right choice

*slaps knee and chuckles

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