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Island difficulty level.


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1 hour ago, Olivar said:

Aren't all servers running with OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5 these days?
You should be finding the same level dinosaurs on all of the maps now.
Granted the Island has a tendency to keep spawning in lower level dino's, or at least that's the impression I have as well.

Yes, you are correct. All maps have 150 lvl creatures now, which corresponds to Override Difficulty = 5.0, with Difficulty offset = 1.0.

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As far as I am aware while all the maps are at the same difficulty (5) and so spawn the same levels with 150 being max, but the maps spawn the levels at different frequencies. I think that all the story mode arks, the island, scorched and Aberattion  all seem to be similiar in terms of level distribution. While theses ones tend to spawn lower levels more often than higher level ones. The expansions i.e The Center and Ragnarok seem to spawn in higher levels more frequently despite all the maps being the same difficulty. I believe its suposed to be like this but am not sure on the precise mechanics or reasons.

I guess its because the main story arks are supposed to be easier (or more difficult depending on how you look at it) while the expansions are like end game content so supposed to be harder (or eaaier depending on how you look at it).

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Unofficial or single player? If its your server/machine you will have to add/edit the OverrideOfficialDifficulty option to 5 - in GameUserSettings.ini.

For our server we set the max wild to 120 using DifficultyOffset=1.0 in GameUserSettings.ini but as default when first installed it had a max dino level of 30 on my host but for Aberation we used OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0 and DifficultyOffset=1.0 and we're getting 150s

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