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Ark Xbox Role Play Server

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A Xbox Roleplay server with its primary focus being the relationships between each kingdom. Every kingdom is player made and requires a government and community and they may claim a reasonable chunk of land. 
Kingdoms may declare war on other kingdoms, trade, engage in diplomacy, tax citizens, form a military, and build up their nation. 
Players can still role play in the traditional sense by building houses and taverns or running a business. Because there is no strict storyline, players can decide their own backstory as long as it’s realistic.
Only pvp allowed is when kingdoms declare war 
5x harvesting 
20x taming 
5x XP gain 
No flyers (pteranodon saddle is disabled so you am  tame it for imprinting kibble) 
High structure resistance and high turret damage (to make wars costly and not just some easy raid)

Join this discord link to be accepted into the interview discord - https://discord.gg/AqXJwQK

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