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The story of Aberration


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Alright, now that Aberration is released, I've started taking a look at the stories of those who have entered it. I'm just trying to get a list up based of explorers notes and such. Here's what I know:

-After reuniting, Rockwell and Helena ended up on Aberration due to Rockwell seeing a large lake of Edmunium and being interested in it

-Mei-Yin, as I theorized a while back, appears to have ended up here following the events on the Island. This is interesting due to her being known for being an able beast tamer

-Edmunium and Element are likely the same thing, due to various reasons, such as appearance of Artifacts vs Tek-tier items, etc.

A few things related towards the end of the DLC (Such as bossfight):


-Rockwell appears to have found the lake of Edmunium , which is most likely Element, and has been mutated by it to become the new DLC's boss.

-This may also explain the origins of the Nameless a bit better, as they were confirmed to once be humans

-The final cutscene showcases an Ark obelisk being shutdown, resulting in the barriers around it being shut down

Any other thoughts or such, please post! Explorer notes especially. I'll organize and theorize a tad more once I'm able to hop in, and once we have more info.

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