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Taming tips


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I have a dedicated server for my brother and I, we are trying to complete the game on the Island. I'm currently trying to find high level dinos to tame. We have maximum difficulty checked in the server settings, the highest wild dino lvl is 150 i think. I live in smugglers pass, because it has a lot of spawns around it and its near resources. I'm trying to tame some lvl 125 or higher rexes to breed. I've gone around on my spino killing any low level rexes to spawn more. I've only seen one rex higher then lvl 100, I tamed but it died a bit later from an alpha carno. Is there any tricks to find high level rexes on the island map? 

Also I'm looking to tame a high level Yutyrannus. Whenever I find a high level one I can't get close to it. It's carno buddys swarm me. I'm thinking about to make a taming pen on a raft, but the high level ones spawn in the deep winter. Any tips to tame a Yuty?

Is there any good places to farm for good loot? I tried a cave but my lvl 170 saber and I got destroyed instantly. Thanks all :D 

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Same boat here. I have searched for months on the island have only found 2 rexes over level 100. I fly entire map with a quetz or sometimes a ptera. I have gotten really annoyed I don't know if it makes a difference but the only times I found them over 100 was when I had max difficulty checked, single player settings unchecked, and had server difficulty at 5.0 or higher. Although I don't know if that last setting can go past 1.0 as every time I do make it higher it resets back to 1.0 when I go to log back in. After changing the settings each time I use command destroywilddinos or whatever it is so the settings are in full effect. Out of pure frustration and wanting to fight the bosses I have spawned in a couple 150 rexes. I want to breed them and why not right what's the point in playing single player if I can't spawn something in. I resisted doing it as long as I could but I have done everything like official except with the gathering rates slightly higher and taming rates also slightly accelerated due to time constraints hence me playing single player. But I have sat stagnant for months while looking for these rexes and want to progress. Every time I find a rex under 100 I kill it. I have murdered hundreds if not thousands of level 35 and level 50 rexes. It seems the island loves level 35, 50 and level 70 rexes as I see those levels more than any. That and maybe level 5 I see many rexes that level too. 

To clarify I have found a third rex over 100, a 145 to be exact but after I knocked it out I checked it stats and everything was average on DoDo Dex so I killed it. I am looking for rexes with above average HP, Stamina, and Melee Damage for breeding purposes. New at breeding but from what I understand those are important. Carno island is where I found the level 145 rex with average stats. The other two I found along riverbeds near the redwoods on the North side. As of this past Saturday though I gave up all hope and started spawning them in. The irony is after spawning like 10-15 none had any special stats. So I got pissed and gave up playing for the weekend. 

I have the same issues finding a decent level Yuty over level 100. I have only found 2 in total but one was murdered in front of my face by another Yuty, his carno companions, a pack of wolves, and 2 argents. I guess the server wanted me to suffer more because reasons. I have no problem knocking them out by shooting off back of my quetz (which was much more difficult than I imaged it would be to solo tame. But it was so rewarding to solo tame a quetz as I use it so much) and also killing it's carno companions, however my troubles arise when I am trying to tame the Yuty and other stuff runs up on it and hits it or tries to kill me. So I have started carrying a genny with like 3-5 auto turrets and I place them around because I don't bring anything to defend it dino wise and I enjoy having peace of mind that if anything gets too close it's dead really quick. When you spend as much time as I have looking for rexes you have plenty of down time to make a crap load of ammo and a few auto turrets. The only thing I have to rebuild is the wires and generator and those aren't very expensive. 

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