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Boss victory timer setting


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Hey guys, is there a server setting for the timer before getting teleported out of the boss arena?


Defeated the Ragnarok bosses for the first time. The Manticor was killed while airborne and we couldn't find it's body. I guess there was a lootbag if anything. But, well, just a tiny bit more time would have been superb :)


(It's a private server btw)

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It always seemed to be inconsistent to me. Sometimes the elements gets looted, sometimes they don't. I know that if the creature that gets the kill has over 50% of its weight capacity it won't loot any items. And I also think there is a "distance" check that won't loot if the creature's origin killed is a x units from the killer's. I might be wrong on that, but this seemed to be the case with Giga, Rex and Tuso and they fixed it couple patches ago which I assumed was due to their size:


- Fixed issue where Rex, Giga, and Tuso would not properly loot inventories.

If this is accurate and is based on the distance, it might explains why it is inconsistent and the looting is done or not depending on the angles/origin of the creature that gets the last bite.

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  • Volunteer Moderator

Ah well it's always been consistent for me, but I think you might be right about weight capacity.

I think it might work on the same mechanic as when you are out fighting Rex's and other dinos that drop apex items. If the tame you are mounted on has over 50% of its weight capacity used then it won't automatically take the apex item and the item will end up on the floor in a bag. It may be that on my occasions the Rex that got the final kill on the Boss always had under 50% weight used, considering the fights are usually over very quickly there is not enough time for the Rexs to fill up their weight.

The difference being with Rag is the fight takes longer so maybe their weight fills up more.

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