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CSV file of structures/item material for a calculator?


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Does anyone know of a simple HTML site or downloadable list/CSV/excel workbook that contains all structures/item materials cost?
I'm trying to create an Excel calculator 


structure,Field 5,Field 6,Field 7
Thatch Ceiling,15 Thatch,4 Wood,10 Fiber
Thatch Foundation,20 Thatch,6 Wood,15 Fiber
Thatch Wall,10 Thatch,2 Wood,7 Fiber
Thatch Doorframe,8 Thatch,6 Wood,6 Fiber
Wooden Catwalk,20 Wood,7 Thatch,4 Fiber
Wooden Ceiling,60 Wood,15 Thatch,10 Fiber
Wooden Hatchframe,50 Wood,12 Thatch,8 Fiber
Wooden Door,20 Wood,7 Thatch,4 Fiber
Wooden Foundation,80 Wood,20 Thatch,15 Fiber
Wooden Ramp,60 Wood,15 Thatch,10 Fiber
Wooden Trapdoor,20 Wood,7 Thatch,4 Fiber
Wooden Wall,40 Wood,10 Thatch,7 Fiber
Wooden Doorframe,30 Wood,8 Thatch,6 Fiber
Metal Fence Foundation,5 Metal Ingot,2 Cementing Paste,
Metal Ramp,35 Metal Ingot,10 Cementing Paste,
Metal Trapdoor,10 Metal Ingot,4 Cementing Paste,
Wooden Spike Wall,40 Wood,10 Hide,30 Fiber
Stone Wall,40 Stone,20 Wood,15 Thatch
Stone Ceiling,60 Stone,30 Wood,20 Thatch
Stone Pillar,30 Stone,15 Wood,10 Thatch
Stone Doorframe,30 Stone,16 Wood,12 Thatch
Stone Windowframe,35 Stone,18 Wood,12 Thatch
Reinforced Window,8 Stone,4 Wood,3 Thatch
Reinforced Trapdoor,20 Stone,14 Wood,8 Thatch
Sloped Stone Wall Left,20 Stone,10 Wood,10 Thatch
Greenhouse Wall,7 Metal Ingot,25 Crystal,7 Cementing Paste


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