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x3 Event not announced anymore?


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4 minutes ago, WhipSky said:

Not nice ! All PVE servers are capped 1 hour after the beginning of the event....

Without event i could play but with this x3 event i can't. What 's the interest of event if we can't enjoy the game during it ?!

It's sad  now to be desappointed and frustrated to have event !



just start playing PVP .... no issue with too many dinos on those servers

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4 minutes ago, WhipSky said:

I'm agree with you, i already have play on PVP server and i enjoyed it. But PVE server is still a game mode on official servers and game experience during events at this moment is very frustrating.

PVE does have a war option ... so why not get all the tribes to agree to do some sort of war like bring all your crappy egg layers that you really don't need and set  them all to aggressive and see what happens  lol


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3x is great. Please do more. But with zero warning you can do more harm than good.

I am on a server that goes in and out of dino cap. We are always on the edge. So I had 2 rex eggs (next gen of boss fighters, stats WAY better than I currently have to use) incubating and a timer set to make sure I was there well before they hatched. Well I checked on them 1.5 hours early after imprinting current babies (cause the imprint bonuses indicated maturation had increased) and the eggs were gone. Hatched and died who knows how long ago. My two breeder females are on 21 and 35 hour cool downs. Guess what the odds are, now with 3x maturation, that the server will again be dino capped by the time I can breed them again. 

So 2x/3x is nice but with no warning you likely killed my chance of improving my line for 2 or more weeks.

I mean did you guys just wake up today and decide "ya ok lets do the 3x" or do you do any kind of planning around this? Can we please get like 24 hour notice on maturation (specifically) so we don't kill really hard to get eggs? People trade for and pay A LOT to get ONE boss fighter egg. something like this can really ruin it for them. Set them back months. 

So that is the problem. It does not hurt everyone. I was just unlucky I guess....but I don't only want to just whine and complain I do have a suggestion. 

Maybe you can set up the mechanic that eggs already dropped (for incubation) remain on the previous incubation timers unless picked up and droped again? That seems like a simple easy fix. Not gonna say it is not hard to do, cause I have no idea what it would take to do it. But if that is done I think it would solve this issue entirely. Also any kind of in game notice/icon to let us know if we are on 2x/3x/whatever would also really help just in general.

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