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Dont ask and you shall not receive


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Well been reading up the latest development/patches and complains and its truly mind boggling .


For many moons now Ark players have been bitching at WC to fix their stuff e.i. lag, rubber banning, low frame rate and many other things..

Obviously WC heard you guys and they are  doing something about it such as Flyer nerf, rafts,  structure decomposition and now turret nerf..

We all ask for this so we can get better performance out of the server.. and its happening so why complain about it now when we asked for it.

Obviously the latest patch is towards the turrets which clearly affects server performance ( so many bases dont look like a base instead they look like porky pines which greatlly reduces frame rates)


My point is WC is sick and tired i think of all the complains about server performance so they are doing something about it.


Everything that we have asked so far seems like they have heard us loud and clear and trying to improve on ..


Lets stop the hate on WC cause we asked for it.

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2 hours ago, Olivar said:

welcome to gaming communities.
Whatever you do, it's never good, and everyone always knows better and is a computer programming genius or expert on how it all works.

I wouldn't say that. I was not only shocked but greatly pleased by their removal of claiming. Can't thank whoever implemented that enough.

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29 minutes ago, Goaty said:

People are complaining about the turret nerf because it WILL kill ark. Most bases have 1000 turrets or more.... 100 turrets? DILO who even thought 100 turrets is good enough to defend your base? Like come on, I would rather have lag than no base defense...

Yes, Ark is going to die it's third death now.

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24 minutes ago, Olivar said:

Yes, Ark is going to die it's third death now.

While it's immediate death has been greatly exaggerated, its not hard to look at the Ark Steam Statistics and see that the average playerbase did suffer several thousand in the wake of each of those patches and continues to gradually decrease in the wake of negative reviews of bugs, duping, etc.. So you can be cynical towards people who say things along the lines of "Its gonna kill ark!" in this actual case it  would have had a very large impact on the playerbase, for you being someone playing on your own private server with your friends(according to your steam review of the game and your 600 hours), you have no understanding of the dynamics and scale of alphas and megatribe coalitions or the metas involved in cross-ark warfare that literally does include thousands of people on either side and the resources they bring to the front of these conflicts.

So Granted you are always going to have some people who do not agree with adjustments or balances in any game, as with games like Battlefield, Overwatch, Warcraft, SWOTR, Rust, etc, balancing is a fine tuned act and is usually small things that have been tried and tested for months before being approved to be deployed.

Jat going onto Official Server 160 and deleting all of a tribes turrets and slot capping it, while said angry tribe DDoS your whole cluster in response causing a roll back, and then announcing 10 hours later "Surprise! Big Turret nerf coming up for performance sake!" is not how you test or announce a performance update. But that is LITERALLY what happened that day. So understandably there is a great deal of upset in the community, because there was no balance, it was a decision that would see every Megatribe sweeping across the Official Network without opposition. That's kind of a problem.

You arent in the Discord/Teamspeaks for VVD, BLDX, Black Knights, Carebears, NoNoNo, and any of the other massive coalition groups who are literally planning abusing the hell out of this turret change. These guys have thousands of bullet soaking dinos a piece, because it often takes LARGE amounts to attack and drain these bases turrets. You take away that need for those amounts, and now they have a vast surplus to use EVERYWHERE instead of a few select locations.

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