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Effect of Griffin on Prim+


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There is no reliable counter to the griffin in Prim+; they outpace Plant-X and trapping a griffin depends almost entirely on a combination of stupidity on the side of the attacker and an extreme amount of sheer dumb luck.  A small handful of griffins can take down an entire base's defense system in mere minutes, by taking out up to 8 or 9 plants PER dive-bomb.

While there are a few building tricks that can help discourage this tactic with low-level griffins, mid- and high-level ones completely invalidate outdoor defense and make other raid tactics obsolete.

To add insult to injury, they (along with golems, and other gameplay elements) appear only on Ragnorok on the official clusters (as there are no SE servers).  This gives a single map an ENORMOUS PVP advantage over groups settled on either the Island or the Center.  (Not to mention that it seems that dinos are weighted to spawn at higher levels on Rag.)


So, my request?

Please give the Island and the Center something special and unique, that is useful to those maps.  A tek cave does zip for Prim+.  We really need a counter to the unique powerhouse dinos found on the new map.

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TBH I don't think Primitive plus was ever really designed more than the Island map.  The updates are severely slow and I went back to playing it for a few months on Ragnarok and I think that with the creatures that are unique to certain maps there is no way to work with them.  The building tier works, but the taming/primitive means just are not there.  

I've seen a lot of bugs still in the current version.  I like Ced but think that WC is taking too much of his time from the mod either support it or say it is as is right now.

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