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Ok so I'm pretty much done with official servers, lag, trolls, inconsistency from Wildcard, blah blah blah, you have heard it before, so I started Ragnarok on single player until rentable servers become available for Xbox.

My questions are....

1. Is there a setting I'm missing to add classic flyers?, it takes 10 mins just to cross the map!

2. Are there any mods going to be/currently being created for xbox? No clip is fine, but i would like s+ and maybe a few others.

3. Can I transfer some of my best dinos from official to either single player or rentable server when they become available for xbox?

I'm hoping somebody out there has answers, it would be too much to expect to get the answers from Wc. 



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1. As far as I'm aware of, the flyer settings are hardcoded. If you cannot download a mod for that, you have to wait.

2. I think consoles will have mods. You already have some mods. The Center and Ragnarok are mods. I don't know how WC and your console provides will handle it though. You might get only sponsored mods from WC, you might get "player-made mods" like Bethesda is doing it. it's only my speculation, but it's highly unlikely that consoles will not get mods.

3. As far as I know, you cannot transfer from official to unofficial/SP.


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