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Final Globe in Spaceship and Homo deus


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So from what I understand the first room has Pangaea with all the extinct creatures from that time, the dinos in the game. Then we have modern day earth, with humans (homo sapiens), but it says we are extinct. Then we have a planet that i'm guessing is earth just because the others are, but it looks brown and destroyed but we can still see the outlines of the continents. Where the dinos and humans were in the other room, their is now a ghost-like figure hologram called homo deus, and it says they are endangered. When we get to the Overseer fight, I think the planet out the window that all the arks are orbiting is the third globe. I'd just like to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions about the homo deus and just the story of ark overall. I'm trying to piece it together, but I want to hear others input.

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1 hour ago, HiImZech said:

I have no idea why you wanna acknowledge my troll...but ok

why is final boss in spaceship? why can't final boss take damage when in hexagon form? why doesn't overseer ascend himself/itself

It's not a spaceship per se but more like space stations/habitats, but the top support structure that is part of the ARK and outside of the forcefield barrier that holds the whole of the map in. Much in the how the control room in the Truman Show was just outside of the environment created for him.

From here the overseer monitors the occupants of the island, their survivability and tracks their movements and actions as they move through the environment. The overseer and by extension the creators of the overseer are testing survivability and evolution, tracking how life on Earth in the ancient past (dino era), the more recent past (our present) and the present (Our distant future.) came to be.

the fact that Homo Deus is referred to as colonists on the new distant future Earth leads to some interesting ideas. Did humanity leave only to return perhaps?

Anyway, the different ARKs in orbit seem to be complex, highly advanced laboratories, that are staging life forms of different types to somehow elicit evolutionary changes that trend toward survival, in short Homo Deus may be some kind of evolutionary dead end or something that isn't stable or adaptive enough to survive, so they are attempting to force themselves down another evolutionary pathway, by recreating modern humans and forcing evolution towards a more adaptable/survivable direction so that humanity will be able to live on. The entire game is constantly forcing you to overcome obstacles from environmental, to other life forms and eventually the overseer itself. Think about it, the skills you learn in ARK are about conquering the environment through various means, learning to make the environment and its contents do things for you, from the discovery of fire and subsistence living to modern and even advanced technological eras. Construction of habitats to even taming the creatures around you to do your bidding and thus increase not only your survivability but eventually get to the point of surplus and plenty. There comes a point in your play time during the game where the game stops being about constant survival and you get to a point where you're stable and self-sufficient, you have access to plenty of food, water, material, animals, etc, and eventually get to a point where you are indomitable. (Think Alpha Tribes) These groups have managed to secure their position and infrastructure where they are essentially unkillable, or rather have a high "Survivor Quotient"

Eventually, you go after these bosses, which definitely feel they are trials, the epitome of the experiment, in the final area, there is direct observation of the three "Boss Arenas". No other point on the ark has this and is as closely monitored by the overseer, survivors that reach this point have the attention of the overseer as they are about to engage in the final experiment. This is why the implant tracks boss kills and overseer kills and what level of difficulty.

Eventually, you hit the tek cave and travel through that to get to the overseer, to perform the final test, hence why its forms go through the bosses albeit in its own version. It's defeat signals the ascension process, and you essentially get ascended. Now where you go from there, that's open to interpretation, but according to the description you are "sacrificed" to the process, now what that means is anyone's guess, perhaps your DNA is used as a template for some kind of evolutionary change in the Homo Deus, or perhaps as a replacement for them, a starting over from an earlier evolutionary track and going on from there. I dont know.


To answer the second question, the ball that is the overseer is locked in the hard hexagon, essentially shielded.

third and last question, the overseer for all it's advanced technology is still just a machine, and ascension seems to be a process for organic life forms. (Much like how in Stargate Atlantis, the Ancients could ascend yet their advanced human replicator creations could not.)


Sorry for the wall of text, but hope this helps.

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