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I have noticed that there isn't a good guide out there on cooking and baking with Primitive+ (or at least I couldn't find one ^_^)

So I thought I'd share my video tutorials with you guys. It's all in German, though... but Primitive+ itself is in English so it still could be useful.

The video linked here is mainly about harvesting and what to do next with that harvest - drying, putting it in the Fruit Press or Handmill or cooking it in the Cauldron.
While doing this I produce: flour, corn starch, grape juice, cooked rice, sorghum syrup, soy milk, cashew milk, cane sugar, natural yeast, cup of malt, cup of tea and cup of coffee.

In the next video I will talk about baking cake, cookies, biscuits, bread, pancakes and pizza. I will post that video as well, as soon as it's online :)


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Quick update: Part 29, about processing the harvest, now has english subtitles! ^_^

I am working on subtitles for Part 30 as well. Also, I have another video about wine, mead, beer und cooking meals (pizza, rice with chicken, chicken broth, tofu, salad, etc.). This one will get subtitles, too. I will post another update as soon as those subtitles are online.


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  • 3 months later...

Update on the translations:
Translating does take more time than I thought, especially since I cannot work on it regularly. Sorry for that. But the good news: Part 30 finally has English subtitles - everything you need to know about baking!

Right now I am working on translating part 31 (brewing and cooking) - no promises how soon it will be done (it is the longest video after all). Simultaneously I translate my new Tutorial videos (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6fAbaKJ0yxPhHI-GFWU7ZG3SSg0wlpvz) which cover everything primitive.

Well, I will keep you posted. Sorry again for the delay :)


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