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The Great Migration & Xbox UWP


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Just now, TracerBee said:

Not easy when you have around 200 private dinos and around 6 bases across 3 servers.

at the end of it atleast they have put new servers on and give us time if our server is the ones being wiped. atleast they not wiping all servers. The way i see it at the minute is everyone done all the breeding of mutations you want one go to facebook join and buy one whatever you want the stupidly high level and stat dinos due to server cap glitch and such it spoils the game where is the survival if every day all you do is meat runs on a giga for example killing everything id rather go back to the hard taming with berries and raw meat sitting there for hours waiting to tame not knowing whether im going to get killed i.e titanboas in swamp 

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5 hours ago, KishK0 said:

Why would you release the game at such an unfriendly time for Europeans? 2-3 a.m. for most of Europe, on a tuesday :(

Also, regarding the game modes, I bet no flyers, tribe limited servers or even Island only servers would be 10x more popular that hardcore or primitive, please consider adding those :Jerblove:


Tribe limited servers? Didn't WC add a 70 tribemember cap to tribes in a recent patch?

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5 minutes ago, TracerBee said:

Not easy when you have around 200 private dinos and around 6 bases across 3 servers.

Some of us have actual poop to loose, including thousands of play hours.

Exactly it's not the fact that I will lose my base or what have you, it's the time spent doing it all, it just seems like that 2 months worth of work on it was wasted. I'm never going to get that time back and if anything goes wrong after that time will be lost too. I've lost incentive to play on current server /(limbo) legacy sever. So to sum it up we have to move everything for the fear of what might come in the future events of these limbo severs.

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5 minutes ago, iDragonb1ade said:

at the end of it atleast they have put new servers on and give us time if our server is the ones being wiped. atleast they not wiping all servers. The way i see it at the minute is everyone done all the breeding of mutations you want one go to facebook join and buy one whatever you want the stupidly high level and stat dinos due to server cap glitch and such it spoils the game where is the survival if every day all you do is meat runs on a giga for example killing everything id rather go back to the hard taming with berries and raw meat sitting there for hours waiting to tame not knowing whether im going to get killed i.e titanboas in swamp 

thats my point man, i barely have time to move out. Wish they'd just announce official wipe months ago and just wipe everything.

Edited by TracerBee
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I currently play on a PVE center server that is going to be a legacy server. I do not know how it will be possible to take any players from other servers onto our map. The map is completely dominated by a small handful of tribes. They have 80% of the map covered in pillars and structures so that no one can build anywhere. the only spots open are spots where you can not random spawn and are hard to get to without already being set up with proper gear and mounts. Many of the passes, rivers, Islands, and resources are blocked off by these few tribes and in most cases these tribes do not live anywhere near the places they are blocking. On top of this issue is the even bigger problem of server dino cap. These same tribes and a few others use alternate accounts to create alternate tribes so that they can have a massive amount of dinos, sometimes as many as 500 or more just for 2 or 3 people. Every single weekend we hit the server dino cap and can no longer tame or raise anything. I have often heard these tribes threatening to kite dinos to smaller tribes to lower cap although I am not sure how often it is actually done. Many people here are using other servers to keep their excess dinos so that they can continue to hatch out more dinos. For weeks I have been watching these few tribes do everything they can to run off any new players that join, everything from extreme rudeness to downright threats. There is currently MAYBE 20 actual players on this map because of all the alt accounts, alt tribes and land hoarding. My big question is how do the developers expect players and dinos to come here from servers that are being taken down and are they going to do anything about a small handful of people owning the whole map and refusing to let anyone build?

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From Jen's post:

Taking Down Low Pop Servers
These lower population servers make up about 33% of the existing online servers, with calculations based on sustained player-count as well as popularity of game mode. These servers will be taken offline and be re-purposed for new, fresh servers that will be put up on launch day. Any existing server that is not considered a low pop server and is not taken down will become a Legacy server.

Allocation of New Servers
We know you are all very curious about this, but we don’t have this information ready to share quite yet. What I can tell you is that we plan to continue to support all current existing game modes in some capacity, so you won’t lose access to your favourite way to play the game. In the beginning we will be mainly focusing our efforts on strictly PVP and PVE servers on all maps, but will allocate servers to the other game modes based on their popularity.


Thanks for the lies. Our entire gamemode, Primitive PvP Hardcore is now 100% removed from the game. We have ZERO way to move elsewhere as our 3 freaking Primitive Hardcore servers were connected to each other, period....

I won't start about those 2 100% imprint giga we just did over the last week, sleep deprivated....

Edited by Darkholis
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I remain highly unimpressed with Wildcard Studios. I didn't even know this was a thing because I don't play on official, but let me get this straight...

Waiting until 5 days before hand to tell anyone they need to move, leaving people with busy schedules or who might be busy this weekend completely out of luck. Upping the count to 33% instead of an aforementioned 10%, meaning more people are going to have to move than previously thought. A lack of support for the Legacy servers, which means either transfer to a new one or get little to no support and customer service. And, as far a I can see, nothing about how to deal with items that you can't transfer across servers or things like offering to reimburse for boss saddles (because you can't remove them from the dino, but they get lost when you transfer them).

I'm surprised you guys are still in business, this is a really dirty tactic to pull. I'm so glad I don't bother with official servers, this is a mess. I feel really sorry for all the players that have to go through this bull, it's not fair to you guys at all. Wildcard is giving us who bought the early access edition next to nothing for all the crap we went through to help make the game what it is and focusing on the new players who aren't used to their crap and will continue to spend money on them because they don't know better. *shakes head*

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So wait... you will no longer provide support to those of us who have been testing this ******* game for over two years now, making it possible for it to even get to this point? Wow... way to **** on people who paid to make the game.  You want to sell us two upcoming paid DLC? ha! You wont get another dime out of me unless you reverse this idiotic decision.

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why are my posts red and hidden?  Ok so this one is not? Do you just not want me to tell people that a few tribes own my legacy server and no one will be able to build or transfer dinos here? I currently play on a PVE center server that is going to be a legacy server. I do not know how it will be possible to take any players from other servers onto our map. The map is completely dominated by a small handful of tribes. They have 80% of the map covered in pillars and structures so that no one can build anywhere. the only spots open are spots where you can not random spawn and are hard to get to without already being set up with proper gear and mounts. Many of the passes, rivers, Islands, and resources are blocked off by these few tribes and in most cases these tribes do not live anywhere near the places they are blocking. On top of this issue is the even bigger problem of server dino cap. These same tribes and a few others use alternate accounts to create alternate tribes so that they can have a massive amount of dinos, sometimes as many as 500 or more just for 2 or 3 people. Every single weekend we hit the server dino cap and can no longer tame or raise anything. I have often heard these tribes threatening to kite dinos to smaller tribes to lower cap although I am not sure how often it is actually done. Many people here are using other servers to keep their excess dinos so that they can continue to hatch out more dinos. For weeks I have been watching these few tribes do everything they can to run off any new players that join, everything from extreme rudeness to downright threats. There is currently MAYBE 20 actual players on this map because of all the alt accounts, alt tribes and land hoarding. My big question is how do the developers expect players and dinos to come here from servers that are being taken down and are they going to do anything about a small handful of people owning the whole map and refusing to let anyone build?

Edited by TyphoidBeaver
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5 hours ago, Karnivore said:

What the hell happened to servers would only need a few people per weeks and you would " keep the servers open for that one person "?

My SE server is on here and it never has zero pop and now we all have to move?

Will you allow us to xfer our non xferable items like element and wyvern talons ? 


Quote from the state of the ark


 We will also be taking steps to remove some of our ‘ghost town’ servers, where the player population has remained near-zero for an extended duration of time. We’ll take a look at the statistics and will be repurposing 10% of the lowest count servers across all platforms


Supported SE form the minute it came out, sever is never near-zero for an extended duration of time.  

and now on release, with the phoenix i have been waiting months and months for, i have no base and i stand to loose all of my non xferable stuff... just awesome

I have been telling people for over a year WC is full of poop and will delete the old servers. Funny how they went from 10% to around 35% already. Half a year and Legacy servers will be all gone. They are just doing this way to try and show they kept their word on not deleting servers with a health pop.

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5 hours ago, Hawkin said:

This is some of the Dirtiest Stuff wildcard has done (which is saying alot) They wait until 5 days before they delete the servers to present this list. Then they announce that 33% of all servers will be deleted instead of the previously announced 10%.

Wildcard is one of the worse gaming companies I have come across.

They also said they would give us this info 30 days out from a server being removed. They are so full of poop. Sad since Ark is the best dam game I have played.

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@Jen : Since their will be no customer support anymore for legacy servers, could you guys give us the Server saves of every existing servers and not just the saves of servers that will be deleted at the end of the month please ?

This could be a way for legacy players to continue playing on administrated servers as long as at least one unofficial copy of their legacy server is created.

In the long term, it could allow WildCard to decommision more legacy servers since their populations would migrate to unofficial.

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