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pve Boss Runs Any


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So ive posted on many forum threads on here regarding bosses for PvE.

I have the means of doing them and understanding of how they are done, but have as of yet been unable to find a group to go with. There is a lot of people selling runs, but I don't need someone to do the fight for me.

I just would like doing the alpha boss runs or dragon which requires more than one person to do. I've asked multiple people on my server about going, but they seem to find a time to go and not tell me about it.

So I'm posting again to see if I can find a group or static to do these with. At the very least one time. 

A static would be nice to go do with others, but that seems impractical for most when crossing servers for boss fights.

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11 hours ago, ArkCreation said:

Official PVE.  if you can bring your own dinos to do a dragon gamma that would be great.

I tried sending replies on here and added Sugawatahpurple on steam.

I figure doing gamma would be a good place to start before doing harder versions of alpha dragaon

I actually sell runs for it, currently looking for the high stated bears.

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